Then I unravel entirely.
“You should eat something.”
“I’m not hungry.” I adjust my head in Mindy’s lap as she runs her fingers through my hair. We’ve been like this for hours. She came to my rescue and held me while I cried. And still, the tears won’t stop. I hate him. The control he has over me. How he could stand there and see the damage he caused. He didn’t fight for us. He didn’t even show remorse. He simply told me to be at work.
“You know, if you sold that necklace, I’m sure it could pay for a few months’ rent. Worst case, you can get a job with me.” I close my eyes, and a tear drips down my nose. “Hey, I was kidding. You’d make a horrible porn star. There’s always the hiring a hitman route.”
I shake my head and wipe my cheek. “I want to rewind time and have this never happen. I wish I never crossed the line with him.”
“Sorry, girl. You have a better chance of the hitman solving your problem. Hey, I’ve heard of people getting hypnotized to quit smoking. Maybe they can hypnotize you to not remember this.”
I bark out a laugh and sit up. “God, what do I do? After everything, his only concern was me showing up to work. How could I have been so blind? I hate him. I just want to stop crying.”
“You have to be close to dehydration, so let’s hope it’s soon.”
“Mindy. . .”
“Sorry, I know I’m trying to make light of this. And it’s fucked up. Maybe we go find his fiancée and tell her her scumbag, soon-to-be-husband is a cheater and douche.” Her comment only has my mind going to her. Alana Hill. A woman who’s everything I’m not. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean for that to trigger—”
“No, it’s fine.” But it’s not. How could he do this to me? “Why was I so stupid? I should have fucking known—” I cover my face.
“Oh, Fay. This isn’t your fault. You let him in because you saw something in him. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. You’re kind. Funny as hell. Who wouldn’t want a piece of that magic? Yeah, he did you dirty, but don’t let that discredit who you are. You’re the one who wins. Without you, he loses.”
“Then why do I feel like this? Why does this hurt so bad?”
“Because you have a big heart.”
“Look what good that did me.” She pulls me into her arms, and I go willingly, needing her comfort. “I hate him,” I cry, soaking her shirt.
“I hate him too. Wanna go get tattoos and drink ourselves into a stupor?”
I laugh into her chest. “I would, but it seems I have to work tomorrow.”
Chapter twenty-four
Myheartisinmy stomach as I walk into the office. I’ll give him his two weeks. But I won’t make it easy. Hopefully he’ll be throwing me out before the week is over.
I wipe my sweaty palms down my pencil skirt and offer Amy a wave.
“Just warning you, he’s in a mood,” she says. “He’s been out here three times looking for you.”
“Thanks, Amy.”
“Good luck.”
I head toward his office, mentally preparing myself. Stay strong, don’t argue, but don’t take any more shit from him. Do as little work as possible—he doesn’t deserve my full effort anymore.
I drop my things off at my desk. With a deep breath, I straighten my shoulders, exhale, and walk into his office without knocking. “Mr. Monroe.” He’s sitting at his desk, hair disheveled and tie undone. I keep my face blank and go straight into my spiel. “Your agenda has been emailed to you. You have an eight o’clock call with Trey Williams and the Weller group at ten in the conference room.”
“Where’s my coffee?”
“The machine is broken,” I lie.
“That’s not what I asked.”
I fight to tell him it’s up his ass, but I bite my tongue, refusing to let him see how he affects me. “I’ll have to head down to the café—”