“Send someone else. I need you to help with the reports for my ten o’clock.”
My smile is tight. “Sure thing, Mr. Monroe.” I spin on my heel and walk out of his office. “Fucking asshole,” I mutter, shutting the door behind me.
The intercom on my desk beeps. “And when you’re done cursing me out, bring me the blueprints for the Weller meeting.”
“Sure thing, you prick.” This time I say it loud and clear. I walk down the hall to makemyselfa cup of coffee. Seeing him hurts, but I refuse to allow him to tear me down. Mindy’s right. I’m awesome. I’m worth it, and I deserve better. I lean against the counter while the coffee brews and close my eyes. “I deserve better,” I chant.
“Better coffee? I agree. This stuff is horrible.” I open my eyes to Kyle. “Wow, you okay? You look sick.”
Nope, just heartbroken and angry. “Gee, thanks.”
“Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. You still look great. Just tired. Amy mentioned you went home sick yesterday.”
I wonder what else Amy mentioned. “Yeah. Just a bug. I’ll be fine.”
Kyle takes a sip of his coffee. “That sucks. I actually wanted to ask you. . . I have tickets to a show tomorrow night—The Whistle Pigs. Any chance you’d want to go?”
“I can’t say I’ve heard of them.”
“What? No way! They’re a local band. Here. You have to listen.” He pulls out one of his AirPods and hands it to me. I smile and place it in my ear while he plays the song. Music blasts as he watches me listen. “Whaddya think? Cool, right?”
“Yeah. They’re not—”
“What the hell are you doing?” Theo’s voice snaps through the breakroom, and Kyle jumps. “I thought the coffee machine was broken.”
“I guess it’s fixed.”
“Then where’s my coffee?” he barks, taking in how close I’m standing to Kyle.
“In the coffee machine,” I bite out.
“Then get it! And, you—get to fucking work.” He jabs his finger toward Kyle, then storms off.
“Man, how do you work for that guy?”
I hand him back his AirPods. “I imagine poisoning him daily, which gives me immense pleasure.” Kyle laughs. “Thanks for the invite. Some other time, though.”
“Yeah, sure. See ya.” I wave him off as I trek back to Theo’s office with his coffee and debate spitting in it. When I return, he’s sitting at his worktable. It takes everything in me not to accidentally dump it over his head.
“Your coffee.”
He doesn’t say thank you, and I regret not adding my own special touch. “Sit down. I need you to read over the report.” I huff, take the empty seat next to him, and flip through the pages.
“You’re not even reading it.”
“Yes, I am.”
“You’re not. Start over.”
“Asshole,” I mumble, moving my eyes back to the first page. This time, I count to fifteen between every page flip. My phone buzzes, and I pull it out of my skirt pocket.
Mindy: How’s it going? Kick him in the dick yet?
I stifle a laugh and reply.
Me: No but I think I’m going to spit in his next cup of coffee.
Mindy: Girl, piss in it.