Page 37 of Power

Fay Evans

Executive Assistant to Theo Monroe

I’m starting to think he does this just to be an asshole. My email dings.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Wrong Callahan reports

Check it again.

Theo Monroe

CEO, Monroe Investment Corp

God! He’s such an ass. I may be getting fired today.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Right Callahan reports


Fay Evans

Executive Assistant to Theo Monroe

My desk phone rings, Theo’s name lighting up on my screen. Definitely getting fired today. “Yes, Mr. Monroe?”

“Is that your final answer, Miss Evans?” His voice is calm yet challenging.

Tonight is going to work out.I’m going to get a connection and a job.I got this. “You betcha.” And I hang up.

I snicker under my breath as my phone rings again. Yeah, now seems like a perfect time to print copies. I snag my keycard off the desk and hurry down the hall at the sound of Theo’s door opening. Another bullet dodged.


I avoid Theo for the rest of the day. He was on a call when I returned to my desk, and I snuck off to lunch before he got off. The afternoon was the same. He was wrapped up in meeting after meeting, and I hid in the bathroom between each one. I know. Cowardly. But it’s better this way.

“Hey there.”

I jerk, and my knees slam into the bottom of my desk.

“Wow, someone’s jumpy.”

I look up at Kyle. “Yeah, just. . .” Avoiding my boss, who’s on the warpath. “Long day.”

“Not looking forward to this award thing. At least we get free booze. Curious if they’ll have the margarita machine again this year.”

“No idea. That’s a question for Julie, but you’d have to pull her head out from up his ass to ask her.”

Kyle snorts out a chuckle. “Wow.”

“Sorry. She rubs me the wrong way.”