Page 38 of Power

“She’s not a fan favorite, that’s for sure. You done for the day? Wanna head up to the terrace?”

I check the time. I still have about twenty minutes of work left but screw it. That will be the next assistant’s job. I have big plans tonight. Big,bigplans. “You know what? Sure. I have to change really quick. I have a party to go to after this.”

I did exactly what Mindy instructed me to do. On my lunch hour, I swung by a boutique a few blocks down and bought a sexy white dress.

“Yeah, sure. Meet you by the elevators?”


I hear Theo finishing his call, so I quickly gather my things and take off. Ten minutes later, I’m walking to the elevators.

“Wow,” Kyle says, eyeing me.

“Does it look okay?” I ask, inspecting my dress. “I have an important thing tonight. Need to impress.”

Kyle clears his throat. “Yeah, uh. . . I definitely think you’re going to impress.” The elevator dings, and the doors open. “Ready?”

“Yeah, let’s get this over with.” He extends his arm for me to go first. We make small talk on the ride up. The doors open, and the view makes me catch my breath. “Wow, it’s beautiful up here.” I take in the intimate outdoor furniture. Greenery covers most of the space, and there’s a long bar tucked in the back.

“Right? Surprised Julie was able to reserve this spot. It’s normally for more prestigious events. Not a first quarter employee award ceremony.”

“Exactly what are the employee awards anyway?” I ask.

Kyle shrugs. “No idea. A way to get Monroe’s attention? Julie’s planned some pretty dumb shit in the past.” I knew it. Maybe that’s why she bugs me so bad. She likes him. Like maybe I like—shut up! “Oh, look. A bar. Nice. Let’s go make this thing less painful.”

Thank God he severs that thought. “You read my mind.” We make our way across the terrace, talking with other employees. I wave to Theresa from Human Resources, but she doesn’t wave back.

“What’s her problem?” I ask.

“Oh, don’t mind her. She’s had a stick up her ass since I started here. What would you like?”

“Wine. Anything red.”

“You’ve got it.” Kyle orders our drinks while I gaze around, admiring the beautiful view. My eyes roam over the manicured planted bushes, halting on the man standing across the way, staring directly at me.

My breath hitches, and my nipples instantly pebble inside my dress. Shit.

“Here you go. Merlot okay?”


“Merlot. That’s all they have.”

I rip my eyes away from Theo and focus on Kyle. “Oh, yeah. Fine. Thanks.” As long as it has alcohol, it’s my best friend. I take a deep sip. “So, how long do you think we have to stay at this thing before we can sneak out?”

“Who knows. Julie probably hired bodyguards to stand at the door to make sure no one leaves. Can’t miss out on her ‘special event.’ I even heard her bragging about the appetizers in the breakroom.” Even though I’m not looking at him, I can still feel Theo’s steely gaze. “Wow, you were thirsty.”

I look at my glass, not realizing I finished the whole thing. “Yeah, guess I was.”

“Here, let me get you another one.” He takes my glass and disappears, leaving me vulnerable. My eyes wander, searching the crowd.

“Looking for someone?”

“Shit!” I whip around. Theo is mere inches from me. “Jesus, you scared me.”

His eyes trail down to my dress. “This isn’t what you wore today.”

I straighten, crossing my arms over my chest. “I have somewhere to be after this.”