Page 34 of Runaway Mate

Sunny stumbled once just as my sight began to dim in earnest, black beginning to encroach upon the edges of my vision. I struggled to keep myself seated.

Sunny staggered, then paused. The last thing I saw before I lost the battle with unconsciousness was his big body folding in on itself as he collapsed onto his back.




Feeling uncomfortable in your own skin was a unique experience.

I didn’t mean insecurity or restlessness, but like you were outgrowing your skin like there was something inside of you that was itching to be free. Like there was not room enough inside of you for it to fit in, and your skeleton wasn’t enough of a cage for it.

My angel wantedblood.

If Sunny hadn’t collapsed before Aria did, I would have climbed into the ring and reminded him of his place. It was the oddest sensation, though; when she passed out, my angel stopped giving a fuck about Sunny immediately. He was concerned with one person and one person only: Aria.

I snatched her out of the ring and brought her to the infirmary in a blind need to get her healed at once. In my haste, I’d forgotten that we had our own healer, who I’d left behind to come here. There was only a regular fae, who was only able to bandage her outer wounds and promise me that her ribs would set themselves and heal.

I didn’t know how her ribs were going to “set themselves,” but I got the feeling that this little fae woman was eager to escape me and my glare. I let it slide for now.

I paced the room as I considered running to fetch Neo, except that the thought of leaving my mate's side while she was injured and defenseless made my angel want to claw its way out of my skin and spit on my corpse.

Instead, I just continued to pace.

I was briefly distracted by the realization that I wouldn’t have to fake it tonight. That was a relief; I didn’t know how much more I could take of Aria’s pretty moans, fake or not, before I lost the plot entirely.

Aria let out a soft sigh, and I was at her side before I even realized I’d moved, my hand cupping her bandaged cheek as she tried to shift.

“You can’t move too much, baby,” I said softly. Although I was sure that she couldn’t hear me, the one brow I could see furrowed, then smoothed out as she settled into the pillows again.

I breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed into the chair next to the bed, my fingers combing gently through her hair.

She was so beautiful, even when unconscious, banged up, and covered in bandages. I couldn’t help but feel grateful that she was mine—not just for the fact that the universe selected us for each other, but because I was confident that in a perfect world, she would still choose me. Maybe even in a not so perfect one, too.

I leaned forward to softly brush my lips against her forehead.

The hairs on my nape abruptly stood on end seconds before the door to the room opened.

My angel didn’t consider the aura from whoever was entering a threat, so I remained sitting as a head of blonde hair came into view.

We both froze.

It was the same woman who’d tried to warn me before, the one who’d pretended not to know who I was in the Queen’s Garden.

The door to the room slammed shut behind her.

I saw the exact moment she decided to run away again. I moved swiftly, getting between her and the door, and she gasped when I suddenly appeared in front of her, clutching the little bag she’d brought closer.

“Who the fuck are you, lady?” I asked, my tone hard. “And why are you sneaking into my mate’s room while she’s injured?”

The woman pressed her lips together in a firm line.

I snarled in anger. “Answer me!”

She jerked back. Her lips parted.“I…”

I was prepared for her to lie to me. What Iwasn’tprepared for were the tears that gathered along her lash line. “Please,” she whispered, “let me heal her, and I’ll go, Sariel.”