Page 35 of Runaway Mate

I hadn’t told her my name, but it wouldn’t have been difficult for her to learn it from other Guardians. “No,” I said. “Youwilltell me who the fuck you are and why….” I trailed off, my eyes lingering on her hair, the shape of her mouth and nose, and then rising to meet her own hazel eyes. “Why you’re so familiar….”

She shook her head, her palm covering her mouth now to stifle her sobbing. “Please,please, just let me heal her.”

“I’m not letting a stranger touch my mate,” I growled. “Now, tell me who the fuck you are!”

I grabbed her by the arm and tugged her closer, forcing her to look at me.

Something clicked in my brain. I’d seen this woman before, long before we’d come to the Free Kingdom.

Crying. She’d been crying when she…

I blinked once, twice, three times. And then I let her go and stumbled away from her.

She’d been crying when she left me on Azazel’s doorstep.

Thatwas why she was so familiar. She was my mother. My fuckingmother.What were the odds that I’d find her here, of all places?

Under different circumstances, I might’ve laughed.

“Oh God,” she hiccuped. She must have seen the recognition on my face. “Sariel—”

“You were the one that named me?” I blurted out. It wasn’t really what I wanted to ask her, but it was a safe question, at least.

She nodded jerkily, wiping her eyes on the sleeve of her dress. “I did. I named you.”

My next question surprised even me. “Do you have other children?”

This was also a pretty logical question. She was living in close quarters with children obsessed maniacs; it made sense to ask.

She pressed her lips together to hide their trembling as she nodded.

I couldn’t decipher what I was feeling. On the one hand, the child in me was furious that she would abandon me with Azazel, only to have other children who she had doubtlessly raised and loved while I suffered at my father’s hands. On the other hand, it meant that she’d been happy here.

“How many?” I wasn’t sure who was asking these questions—me or my angel—but my mother dissolved into sobs again.

“Tw-twelve,” she managed to stutter out.

My eyebrows rose into my hairline. Twelve?Twelveyounger siblings? I kept my expression neutral. I didn’t trust myself to open my mouth again.

However, she continued to say, “Commander Grel is one….”

My muscles heated. “What?!” I exclaimed.

Grel was older than me. There was no doubt in my mind that he was. So how…?

“How the fuck is that possible?” I questioned frantically. It was then that I realized that I didn’t even know her fucking name. “What’s your name? How the fuck did you end up here? And why would you leave me withAzazel?!”

Aria squirmed, and we both turned to her. I knew my haywire emotions were affecting her rest, so I took a deep breath, exhaled, and stared my mother down.

She went to sit heavily in the room’s other chair.

“My name is Penelope,” she started, eyeing me carefully. “I… I didn’t mean to get pregnant with you.

Perfect. Every abandoned child wanted to hear that they were a mistake, right? I couldn’t stop the sneer from forming on my face.

“I need to start from the beginning,” she continued hastily, fidgeting with her bag. “I was a double agent.”

A Heaven-appointed angel? As a double agent? That was impossible. Or itshouldbe, at least.