Page 71 of Demons and Darlings

I didn’t fight the smile that crept onto my face. “Fine. Well, I’ve never been to a carnival, so I’m not totally sure what to expect.”

“I guess that means we’ll have to cover it all.”

“I guess so.” I shrugged.

I let Alek lead me around the carnival. We spent the next hour walking around the entirety as Alek explained, in detail, what everything was. Corn dogs—which were apparently somehow very popular, games, the Ferris wheel, other rides that looked as if they could fall apart at any second.

I tried not to act nervous at the sheer number of people around us. I had never seen so many people at once before. The noises, the lights, the music. It was all so much.

“Hey,” Alek said when he saw me staring into the crowd. “Everything alright?”

“Yeah, it’s just a little overwhelming.”

He smiled softly. “I can see how this might be a lot to take in. Here, I have an idea.” He pulled me toward the Ferris wheel. “Ride for two,” Alek demanded.

The worker in the blue striped shirt nodded and opened the gate, letting us into the next available seats.

“Are you sure this is safe?” I whispered as the worker secured the door behind us. “What if we fall out?”

“That’s part of the thrill,” Alek whispered. He put his arm around me on the swinging chair and leaned in close as he added, “The danger is what makes it so fun.”

A chill ran down my spine. I tried to convince myself it was from the chill of the night air, but I also couldn’t look away from Alek’s eyes. Not until the ride started moving again. I cleared my throat and forced my eyes away.

“So,” I started, “what type of demon business does the league have at the carnival?”

Alek shrugged. His hand fell loosely on my shoulder. “Business you don’t have to worry about.”

“Considering you won’t let Natalie and I walk around here alone, I think Idohave to worry about it.”

“You really want to know?” he asked.

“I sure do.”

“Not all demons are like us, Lyra,” he started. “In this area, we have things under control. We have leadership. We have order.”

“Under your father?”

“Exactly. But in other places of the world, demons create chaos. For no other reason than to piss off the gods and goddesses.”

I considered his words. I had never really thought about demons other than the Night Ravens. In our small area of the world, the gods and goddesses left the demons alone, and vice versa. A demon was no match for the power of a god, but a legion of demons? It would be a fight.

“What does that have to do with the carnival?”

“Let’s call it a turf war,” he explained. “It happens every couple of years. My father holds power over this legion, and others challenge his position.”

“Doesn’t that mean they challenge your position too?”

Alek’s brows drew together. “Yes, it does. Which is why you can’t be walking around here alone.”

“What do I have to do with any of this?” I asked.

A beat of silence passed between us.

His brows pressed together. “You’re kidding, right?”

I waited for him to continue.

“To everyone else, you’re mine. We’ve been in a relationship. I’ve brought you into this legion. Anyone trying to hurt me will try to hurt you first. You’re an easier target.”