Page 70 of Demons and Darlings

“What type of business?” I asked.

“Demon business.” Alek’s eyes flickered over to me for only a second before returning to Natalie. “It isn’t safe.”

“If all of these other innocent humans are safe and enjoying themselves at the carnival,” Natalie continued as she flickered her hair over her shoulder, “then I think we are, too.”

I had to bite my cheeks to keep from smiling.

Alek was clearly pissed. For whatever reason, he didn’t want us at the carnival tonight. But I could hear the shouts and laughter all the way from out here. I wasn’t about to let him bully us into leaving just because they had demon business to take care of—whatever that meant.

“Fine,” he said after a while. “But you’re staying with me.”

“What?” Natalie squealed. “We don’t need babysitters!”

He gave her a sharp look. “I don’t care what you do and don’tneed.If you want to be at this carnival so badly, you’ll play by my rules. Let’s go.”

I glanced at Natalie, who just gave me a shrug before following behind Alek. I trailed after them, and the three of us made our way to the carnival entrance.

“Zac!” Alek yelled. “Come with me.”

Zac stepped out of the small crowd of demons who huddled near the carnival entrance. He jogged over to us with a big, goofy smile on his face. “Hey, wasn’t expecting to see you two here tonight.”

“Oh really?” I asked.

“Wouldn’t pass up a carnival!” Natalie replied at the same time.

Alek only rolled his eyes.

“The girls want to experience the carnival,” Alek explained to him. “You’re on Natalie duty. Don’t let her leave your sight.”

Natalie rolled her eyes. “I told you I don’t need a babysitter,” she repeated.

Zac stepped forward and rolled his shoulders back. He was good looking, I had to admit. Definitely soft on the eyes, even for Natalie.

She must have noticed this, too, because she looked him up and down before saying, “Let’s go, I’ve been dying to ride the Ferris wheel.”

And then she was tugging his arm, dragging him away from us.

“Nat!” I yelled after her, but she merely waved a hand over her head and yelled back,

“Good luck!”


“Want to tell me why you’re really here?” Alek asked. His dark eyes blared into me, as if looking at me alone was enough to learn all of my secrets.

“Zac invited us. He told us you would be here, and that it would be fun.”

“Really?” he asked, looking toward where the two of them ran off. “He said that?”

“Yeah,” I explained. I shoved my hands into the pocket of my sweatshirt, suddenly very aware of the fact that I was stuck somewhere I wasn’t welcome.

But this was a damn carnival, not a private party. I could enjoy myself here if I wanted to.

“Alright,” Alek sighed. “Since you’re here, I guess business can wait.” He casually threw his arm around my shoulders and began walking us to the entrance of the carnival. “What’s first on your carnival bucket list?”

“Seriously?” I stiffened under his arm. “You don’t have to do this.”

“You’re here. I’m not letting you out of my sight. I need to hold up my side of the deal, anyway.” He stopped walking and looked me in my eyes as he said, “We’re doing this.”