‘Do I have a bad side?’ he teased.

But it was almost as if Magda was still talking to herself. ‘Then again, most of the women would know they wouldn’t get a look in. The chemistry between you and Kristie...’ she kissed her fingertips then flicked out her fingers ‘...is just off the scale.’ She gave him a smile. ‘You’re doing so much better than the others in the show. I can’t even watch the country and western singer. And the astronaut is possibly the most arrogant person on and off the planet.’

His mind was spinning. Was everyone who was watching thinking the same thing about him and Kristie? He felt like some teenage boy under scrutiny. He hadn’t even really worked out what was going on between them.

He liked her. He knew he liked her. But anything more just seemed...ridiculous.

But was it?

Alice made a little noise in his arms. Magda closed her eyes. ‘She didn’t sleep a wink last night.’

‘Didn’t she?’

Rhuaridh looked around and glimpsed the pram near the doorway. ‘Do you want me to take her for a walk? Mac is mooching around outside anyway. I was planning on taking him for a walk.’

‘Would you?’ As she said the words she snuggled down further into the sofa. ‘Just an hour would be great.’

Rhuaridh smiled and settled Alice into the pram, closing the door as quietly as he could behind him.

Mac gave him a look. Rhuaridh wagged his finger. ‘Don’t get jealous, old one. Just get in line. We’ve got a new boss now.’


Rhuaridh nearly jumped. Kristie was standing behind him with a bag in her hand.

‘Where did you come from?’

She grinned. ‘LA. You know, America.’ She made signals with her hands. ‘Then a plane and a boat.’

‘Okay, okay, I get it.’

She was wearing a pair of black and white checked trousers and a black shirt tied at her waist. Her hair was loose about her shoulders and she seemed totally at ease as she leaned over him and looked into the pram. ‘I came to see my favourite girl, but I see you’ve already kidnapped her. Whaddya say we share?’

Rhuaridh gripped the pram a little tighter as he smiled back. ‘Ah, but this is my goddaughter. And this is the first time I’ve actually managed to kidnap her.’

Kristie made the little clicking noise she always did when she was thinking. He leaned a little closer and caught a whiff of her light zesty perfume. ‘To tell you the truth, I think Mac’s a little jealous.’

Kristie dropped to her knees and rubbed Mac’s head, bending down to put her head next to his. ‘Poor boy. Is he neglecting you again?’ She wrapped her hand around Mac’s lead. ‘How about we take turns? I’ll take Mac, then swap you on the way back.’

Rhuaridh gave a nod and they started to walk down towards the town. The weather was bright with just a little edge in the air. Kristie chatted constantly, telling him about plane delays and double-booked accommodation. It didn’t take long for her to turn the conversation back to work. ‘Have you seen that young mum again?’

Rhuaridh gave her a sideways glance. Last time he’d seen Kristie she’d been more than a little preoccupied about the case. She’d rushed out the room when he’d asked her if something was wrong, and the next day she’d left to go back to LA. He hadn’t seen her since.

He’d been curious about why she’d been so concerned. He’d had enough experience in life to know when to tread carefully. People didn’t come with a label attached declaring their past life experiences.

‘I’ve seen her quite a lot—so has Ellen, the health visitor. She’s talking, and I don’t think she’s going to feel better overnight, but I think if we have adequate support systems in place, and an open-door policy, I think she’ll continue to make improvements. Ellen has visited her at home a lot—talked through how she’s feeling about things. They’ve even been out walking together—like we are today.’

He gave her another glance. He thought he knew what the next answer would be. ‘You haven’t included anything in the filming, have you?’

Kristie shook her head. ‘Absolutely not. It’s mainly just footage from the immunisation clinic and the baby clinic.’