He gave a nod and then changed tack. ‘So, what are you and Gerry going to do tonight about food?’

She blinked. ‘What do you mean?’

‘The place you’ve booked into after the mix up—they didn’t tell you, did they? Their kitchen is out of order. Something to do with an electricity short.’

Kristie let out a big sigh. ‘Darn it. I never even asked. We just said we needed beds for the next few days after the mix-up at the other place.’

She nudged him as they kept walking. ‘Okay, so give me the lowdown on all the local places.’ She wrinkled her nose. ‘Though I’m not sure about Gerry. He’s been really tired. I think the jet-lag is hitting him hard this time.’

Rhuaridh gave her a cheeky kind of grin. ‘Well, if you can promise me that you actually eat, I’ll show you my favourite place in town.’

‘What do you mean—if I actually eat?’

He laughed. ‘You’re from LA. Don’t you all just eat green leaves and the occasional bit of kale or spinach?’

Now she laughed too. ‘You heard about that new diet?’ She shuddered. ‘Oh, no. Not for me. Anyhow, I’m a steak kind of girl.’

‘You are?’ He actually stopped walking and looked at her in surprise.

She pointed to her chest. ‘What? I don’t look like a steak girl?’

He couldn’t help but give her an appreciative gaze. ‘If steak’s what you like, I know just the place.’

She glanced around. They were right in the heart of Brodick now. There were a number of shops on the high street, a sprinkling of coffee shops and a few pubs.

‘Cool. Which one is it?’

He turned the pram around. ‘It’s back this way.’

Quick as a flash, Kristie came alongside and bumped him out of the way with her hip, taking his place at pushing the pram. ‘Don’t try and steal my turn. You got the way out. I get the way back.’ She bent over the pram and stroked the side of Alice’s face. ‘She’s just a little jewel, isn’t she?’

He was surprised at the affection in her voice. ‘You like kids?’

‘I love kids.’ She shrugged. ‘Not all of them like me, right enough.’

He stopped walking. ‘Where did you pick that up?’

‘What?’ There was a gleam in her eye.

‘“Right enough”. It’s a distinctly Scottish expression.’

She lifted one hand from the pram and counted off on her fingers. ‘I was trying it out for size. Everyone uses it in the surgery. I’m also looking for opportunities to use drookit, minging and...’ She wrinkled her brow. ‘What’s the one that Mr McLean who comes to the surgery always uses?’

Rhuaridh burst out laughing. ‘Wheesht?’

‘That’s it!’ she said, pointing her finger at him. ‘Wheesht.’

It sounded strange in her American accent. But he liked it. He liked it a lot.

She started walking again. ‘There’s another one I’ve heard. It might even be used to describe you sometimes.’ She gave him a nod of her head.

‘I dread to think. Hit me with it.’

This time the glance she gave him was part mysterious, part superior. ‘Crabbit,’ she said triumphantly.

Part of him was indignant, part of him wanted to laugh. ‘Crabbit? Me?’ He pointed to his chest. ‘No way. No way could I ever be described as crabbit. I’m the nice guy. The fun-loving squishy kind of guy.’ He gestured down to Alice. ‘The kind of guy who takes his goddaughter for a walk to give his friend a break.’ He raised his eyebrows at her. ‘Beat that one, LA girl.’

She folded her arms across her chest, letting momentum carry the pram for a few seconds. ‘That sounds like a challenge.’

‘It is.’ He’d never been one to back down from a challenge.

He swooped in and grabbed the pram handle. ‘Ms Nelson, I believe you just neglected your duty. I think I should take over again.’

Before she could protest he nodded towards the pub at the other side of the road. ‘Billy’s Bar. Best steaks in town. They even do a special sauce for me.’

‘What kind of sauce?’

‘I could tell you. But I’d have to kill you. It’s a secret I’ll take to my grave. But if you come along with me tonight, I’ll let you have some.’ The words were out before he really had a chance to think about them.