“I see the person I’m meeting,” Becca said to the hostess, taking care to smile and temper her voice so as not to misdirect her frustrations.

When Nick saw her, he stood, offering a half smile.

Damn him for being so good-looking and so cool about the situation. Especially when she was falling apart inside. She swallowed the lump in her throat, determined to not let him see just how hard this was for her.

When she reached the booth, there was an awkward moment where neither of them seemed to know what to do. For a split second, she actually thought he might lean in and kiss her. But that was just wishful thinking.

She ducked her head and slid into the booth. He did the same.

“How are you?” he asked.

“I’m fine, Nick. How are you? How’s your dad?”

Yes, that was the key. Keep it light. Make him believe she really was fine. Maybe if she pretended long enough, she really would be.

“My dad is— He’s great. We’ve had some good talks. Can’t thank you enough for pushing me to get in touch with him.”

Pushing him?

Is that how she’d come across? Pushy? She cringed inwardly, but she was careful to not let it show. Or at least she hoped she didn’t. She certainly hadn’t realized she’d pushed him.

“Nick, I’m sorry if you ever felt like I pushed you. I was never trying to force you into anything. That was never my intention.”

“I guess that didn’t really come out the way I meant it to. You never made me feel pushed. But your encouragement did help me do the right thing in contacting my dad.”

Nick looked down at his hands for a moment. They were resting on the table, big, capable hands that knew just how to touch her. She would miss those hands.

“He and I both agreed that we were idiots for going so long without talking to each other. You were right, Becca. He never did blame me. In fact, all these years he’s blamed himself. He’s been carrying the burden around as long as I have, and we both agreed to set it down and move forward. We both missed so much.”

“That’s great, Nick. I really am happy for you. For both of you. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to meet your father. When did he leave?”

“He’s still here. He’s taking a walking tour of Celebration. The woman who runs the inn set it up for him.”

“Oh, you should be with him. Instead of here with me. This could’ve waited.”

Nick raked his hand through his hair. It seemed like a nervous gesture, and it reminded Becca that she’d gotten carried away there for a moment. God, he did have that effect on her, didn’t he?

“Actually, no, this couldn’t wait.”


Becca smoothed her skirt over her knees. If she’d known she was having lunch with him today, she would’ve worn something different. Not that there was anything wrong with her navy merino wool skirt. It was just a little plain. A no-nonsense outfit that had suited her mood this morning when she’d woken up. And, okay, it was one of the few pieces of clothing in her closet that she could still fit into.

No, if she’d known that today was the day she’d officially get dumped, she would’ve worn something a little more inspired. Something that made a man look twice—think twice before letting her go. But who was she trying to fool? This was who she was when no one was looking and she liked that person, even if he didn’t. She sat up a little straighter, squared her shoulders.

There wasn’t a thing in the world wrong with that version of Becca.


Before he could get to the point, the server walked up to the table. “Hi, I’m Kathy. I’ll be taking care of you today. May I tell you about some of our specials?”

She didn’t wait for them to answer—really, it was a rhetorical question—and began rattling off the list from memory.

They quickly placed their order—a Reuben sandwich for him and a cup of clam chowder for her. She didn’t have much of an appetite right now, but she was afraid that not ordering would’ve given off a hostile vibe. And there she was worrying about what he thought.

Forever the people pleaser.

No. No, she wasn’t. She’d ordered the soup to make herself feel more comfortable. If she didn’t feel like eating it, she wouldn’t.

“So, what was it that was so important that you’re letting it cut into your visit with your dad?”

He nodded and looked at her a little bit too long. Maybe he was weighing his words. Probably. Obviously, this wasn’t easy for either of them.