“Two things, actually. I have something for you. But first, the thing that can’t wait—Becca, I acted like a total jerk yesterday, and I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. The accident wasn’t your fault.”

The old Becca would’ve told him it was okay. She would’ve immediately tried to set his mind to rest, but he had acted like a jerk, and it wasn’t acceptable.

“I needed you, Nick, and you shut me out. I appreciate your apology, but whether or not we’re together, we’re going to be in each other’s lives. We’re going to have to communicate and get along for the sake of our kids. You can’t just go inward and refuse to talk to me.”

He reached out and covered her hand with his.

“I know. Believe me, I know. I came from a home where my parents’ lack of communication and constant bickering shattered our lives. And I know it’s been an issue with your family, too.”

His hand was still on hers, and it was wreaking all kinds of havoc with her emotions. Since she was the one who had brought up the fact that they needed to communicate if they were going to have a healthy co-parenting relationship, she knew what she had to say.

She drew her hand away, trying not to imagine that he looked a little bothered by it.

“Nick, I have to be honest with you. I have feelings for you. I have since that night that we sat right here and... I guess I fell in love with you that night, but—”


“No, Nick, let me finish.”

His eyes held so much tenderness that she had to look away because her own eyes were starting to fill with tears.

She wasn’t going to cry.

She wasn’t.

She couldn’t.

Oh, God. She was.

“Look, you can’t do this—” she said, but her voice broke, and she couldn’t get the rest of the words out.

All she had to say was that he couldn’t keep doing this—he couldn’t keep touching her like this, and, for that matter, he really shouldn’t look at her that way, either—but how could you set boundaries and parameters on the way someone looked at another person?

She hadn’t really noticed, but maybe that was just his face. His gorgeous, perfect face. Maybe that was how he looked at everyone, and she’d simply misunderstood and read way too much into it.

Touching, on the other hand—now, that was a clear boundary.

She took a deep breath, gathering herself to lay down the no-touching law, when Nick suddenly stood up.

Where was he—

He was kneeling in front of her. And the tears were still rolling down her cheeks.

She just needed to get a hold of herself.

What the heck was he doing?

Oh, God. What was that? A Christmas ornament? Why was he kneeling in front of her with a Christmas ornament?

“Becca, I got you that ruby necklace you tried on in the jewelry store.”

Okay, but you’re holding a Christmas ornament?

Oh, wait, maybe he took the necklace back.

“I wanted to give it to you for Christmas. But somehow it just didn’t feel right.”

“You really don’t have to tell me this, Nick. It’s an expensive piece of jewelry. That saleswoman put us in an awkward position.”

“Actually, I found something else I wanted to give you instead.”

He held up the Christmas ornament.

Becca’s heart sank. Not because of the gift—it was pretty. She couldn’t see it very well because of how he was holding it, but it looked as if it had a scene of a town—maybe a Currier and Ives Christmas scene. It was probably lovely, but did he really have to give it to her this way? Everyone in the restaurant was looking at them.

Becca swiped at her tears.

“I know I’ve probably done more things wrong than I’ve done right,” Nick said. “I mean, we haven’t even finished decorating the tree.”

“It’s okay, really,” Becca said.

“I’ve never been very good at relationships. But one thing that I have done right is to realize that I love you.”

Becca blinked, and her heart lurched. Had she heard him right? Surely not.

“You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Becca. Will you give me a chance? Will you please give us a chance?” He turned the ornament around. Our First Christmas was spelled out in ornate gold lettering.

Becca’s mouth dropped open as realization settled over her.

Then she saw that there was something else—something small and shiny tied to the ornament with a red ribbon.