Page 133 of Fierce Seas

“Dammit, I had some questions, but I’ll be able to ask them later.”

“You do realize you just pulled off the impossible,” Danny declared with a wide grin.

“Teamwork pulled off the impossible.”

“True, but you’re a guy who gets things done.”

“So are you, Danny, big time.”

“Speaking of getting things done, can I deflate this now?” Danny asked, waving at the airbag.

“Your shift is over, my friend. Someone else will be here to handle the heavy lifting, but Danny, before you go I have to ask, what are your future plans?”

“They’re a bit up in the air,” Danny said with a slight frown, “though I will resign from the LAPD. After that I’ll be starting over as Danny Sullivan. Why do you ask?”

”There’s a process, but Danny, I want you on my team. I could use a guy with your skill set. It’s a bit complicated, but basically, I run a covert force under an arm of the CIA.”

“Wow, I’m flattered. I wouldn’t say no to living down here, that’s for damn sure,” he said enthusiastically, then pausing, he added, “actually, Scott, I have to be honest. When I was on my way to the island to find Elizabeth, I came up with the same idea. If things worked out I was going to approach you. I even mentioned it to her.”

“Great minds,” Scott declared with a grin.

“But I need to take a break for a bit, it’s been a helluva year. Oh, before I forget,” he continued, fishing into his pocket, “here’s what’s left of the money I took from the Jeep.”

“That’s yours, and you’ll also be getting a check.”


“After everything you’ve done, do you think I’d let you wander the streets penniless?”

Danny chuckled.

“Thanks, Scott. Do I need to sign for it?”

“Probably at some point, but not tonight. Where will you be staying?”

“I wasn’t sure, but I am now,” Danny replied with a grin. “For the next couple of days I’ll be in a great hotel with an ocean view and room service. I want to lie in a comfortable bed, watch television, drink bourbon, and sleep with both eyes closed. Any recommendations? I have no idea what’s here on St. John.”

“Gallows Bay or the Westin, and you sure as hell deserve it.”

“Did you say Gallows Bay or the Westin?”

Turning in unison, they saw Elizabeth walking towards them.

“Danny’s going to lie low for a couple of days,” Scott replied.

“Gallows Bay,” she said firmly. “It’s less corporate, and Scott,” she added, punching him in the arm, “you scared the crap out of me jumping into that shaft.”

“Why? You knew the airbag was down here. It was your idea?”

“It was still scary.”

“That was genius, Lizzy,” Danny interjected. “How did you come up with it?”

“I went out with a stuntman and I watched him do some falls. It was a no-brainer. Scott, can we go home, or do you have to supervise the search?”

“Give me a minute and I’ll be able to answer that question,” he said, reaching for his phone and ambling into the wine cellar.

He already knew they could leave, but Elizabeth and Danny needed a moment alone.