Page 132 of Fierce Seas

“Brad, I need help up here?” Scott asked. “I have five freaked-out men with their ankles cuffed to chairs.”

“Yeah, I know, any minute now.”

“Tell them to seal off the trap door as soon as they enter the chamber.”

“What about Rosemary? Where is she?” Sonny suddenly bellowed.

“You can tell him she sustained no injuries,” Brad offered.

“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t,” Scott replied.

“Answer me,” Sonny demanded. “Where is she?”

“She had a fall,” Scott said calmly, walking toward him, “through the trap door.”

Watching Conchello’s face crinkle in horror, Scott almost felt sorry for him.


“Mommy,” Conchello whimpered, tears abruptly spilling from his eyes. “You killed my mommy.”

Rosemary’s Baby.

Scott’s brow crinkled as he recalled the bizarre password for the drug lord’s security system.

“Mommy,” Conchello wailed again. “Your Sonny’s coming, Mommy.”

Abruptly jumping from the sofa, he sprinted into the chamber.

Cursing himself for not closing the door, Scott raced after him. Lunging forward, he managed to catch the hem of Sonny’s jacket—but a second too late. Still wailing for his mommy, Sonny had jumped into the shaft. The jacket ripped in Scott’s hand. Straightening up, he stared at the horrified faces of the five men trapped in their seats.

“Don’t worry,” he said hastily. “They landed on an airbag.”

“Too bloody bad,” Ewen grunted.

“I’m a federal agent. You’ll be out of here in a few minutes,” Scott continued. “Brad, is the concrete room secure and the airbag clear?”

“The area below is secure and—yes—Conchello is off and the airbag is clear.”

“Tell the woman you’re with to meet me there,” Scott said, not wanting to use Elizabeth’s name.

“I’m on my way!” she said excitedly.

“I am too,” Scott replied, and sitting on the edge of the shaft, he pushed off.


As he fell into the forgiving airbag, Scott stayed still for a moment to say a silent prayer for the tortured souls Conchello had so ruthlessly thrown down the chute. Whatever their sins, no-one deserved such a terrible fate.

“Scott? Are you okay?” Danny called.

“Yep, great,” Scott replied, rolling on his side and slipping off.

“I figured you’d show up, but I wasn’t expecting you to arrive like that.”

“Neither did I. Where are Sonny and Rosemary?”

“There were two guys waiting in the wine cellar in case Conchello used it as an escape route. As soon as I let Frank know Rosemary had dropped in, if you’ll pardon the pun,” he added with a grin, “they were here in a heartbeat and took her away. They came back just as Conchello showed up, and they whisked him off too. You just missed them.”