“That doesn’t sound like it was Daddy’s fault though, why did you blame him?” I ask as I lie on my back to look up at Christian.
“Because things went downhill for Hudson after that, he lost the fight and was stuck in a contract with Taylor. He asked Jason for help, but his pride was bruised, and he told him that he had made his bed and he would have to lie in it. Hudson fought back by killing two of Jason’s other fighters. He slit their throats.”
“Why is he still alive?” I ask. “If you will kill someone for threatening me why not someone like that?”
“Because we swore to Jason we wouldn’t, and that’s come round to bite us in the ass. If we had retaliated the first time, he stepped out of line you wouldn’t have been hurt today. After what he did today Jason has put a price on his head. He’s to be brought to him alive. Jason wants to handle him like he should have done from day one.
“Hudson isn’t as good as he thinks he is, the only reason he got as far with you is that you are unprepared,” Christian sighs as he runs a knuckle over my cheek. “You’re right you need to learn to fight, to protect yourself and I’ll put the others in charge of that. I want to believe that you’ll never be harmed or threatened, but I need to face reality, you are in danger just by being with us and you need to know what to do if you are ever in danger again.”
I roll onto my side so I am facing him.
“I thought I could be with you all and not be involved in that side of your lives, that we could keep them separate, but today proved I can’t.” I look up into Christian’s eyes before continuing. “I want you to include me in things, I want to know what’s going on, I don’t want to be kept in the dark all the time. I know you have been hiding stuff from me, like the fact two clubs have been set alight and gyms vandalised. I’m not stupid Daddy, I still find out stuff.”
“You realise baby girl that once you’re part of this life there’s no way out? Even if you left us, you would still be dragged back into it if things went wrong.” He tucks some hair behind my ear and looks deep into my eyes. “This wasn’t a life we chose; we always said you would have a choice, that we wouldn’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. You are so pure, so kind, we hate the idea of this changing you.”
“I won’t change who I am, but I’ll be in the know, and have a better understanding of what it all means. I know the four of you will always protect me and I also know that you will teach me to protect myself, should I ever be in a situation like today.”
“Okay baby girl I’ll speak to the others. We’ll work out the safest route from here onwards,” Christian says as he leans down and presses a sweet kiss to my cheek.
“I thought you were the boss Daddy,” I tease. Christian’s face shifts and I see the playful side of him he only ever shows when it’s me and him.
“I am the boss of many things baby girl, which I will show you later when you receive your thirty spanks,” he says with that raised eyebrow.
“I’ve been thinking about that,” I say quickly trying to think of a way out of it.
“Oh, yes?”
“Well, you see.” I get cut off as a ringing fills the room and Christian’s head snaps up. He quickly jumps out from underneath me and looks at the door as he rushes to the desk.
“What’s that?” I ask sitting on the edge of the seat. Christian grabs his desk phone and presses a button.
“What’s happening?” he yells. “Fuck! Secure my office windows, get someone here now!” He slams the phone down and pulls a gun out of his desk drawer. I watch as shutters slide down the window and someone bangs on the office door.
“Daddy?” I ask as I hear my voice wobble as I see Christian checking his gun. He holds out a finger and I watch as he approaches the door before throwing it open and pointing the gun at Layton who’s on the other side with his hands up.
“Get in!” Christian snaps as he pulls Layton in and slams the door closed.
“Two black cars outside all security are armed and ready. Jason’s with Sean by the front door waiting for you,” Layton says as he listens to the earpiece in his ear. “Terry’s with the other O’Reilly’s, Maximus is out but on his way back,” Layton adds before looking at Christian whom I can see is thinking through everything quickly.
“Stay with Jasmine, you know the knock?”
Layton nods and looks at me.
“Daddy?” I say again trying to get his attention. Christian marches up to me and presses a hard kiss to my lips.
“Stay here, Layton will protect you. Do as you are told,” he says before marching towards the door.
“Be careful,” I call not knowing what else to say to him. He looks back at me and smiles before disappearing out of the door. Layton quickly closes it behind him and opens a hidden panel where he punches in a code and I hear the locks click into place.
“What’s going on?” I demand as I look at Layton who stands in front of me facing the door, his gun in his hand.
“No one knows. Two blacked-out cars arrived unannounced. The protocol is that we lock down and expect the worst.”
“What’s the worst?” I ask nervously.