“Layton’s with Jasmine secured in my office. What do we know?” I demand as I walk up to my brothers both standing in the entrance hall, guns in hand.
“Two cars, no one exited yet, no idea who they belong to,” Terry replies pressing his finger to his earpiece.
“How many guards are in place?”
“Six in various areas of the property excluding Layton with Jasmine. Lucky for us, they picked now as I had called a meeting following this morning’s incident so more people were on sit,” Terry says as he taps on his tablet and shows me the view outside where the two cars are parked and the guards are all in place guns pointing to the vehicles.
“How do you want to play this?” Jason asks. I look from him to Sean. Iwantto tell them both to hide with Jasmine. I want my brothers safe, but I know neither of them would ever listen to me. We are in this together we have been since our father dragged us into this lifestyle. I turn to Sean and place a hand on his shoulder.
“Jason and I are going out there. Any sign of trouble you grab Jasmine and get out through the tunnels in the gym. Layton will only open for the knock.”
“Fuck off, I’m not leaving you to deal with this shit on your own!” he argues as I predicted.
“No, you’re protecting Jasmine. I won’t let her fall into anyone’s hands but ours.”
Sean looks to Jason who I know will back me up. Sean stares at him for a moment before nodding and taking a step back.
“Fucking make sure you guys come back. We all know Maximus and I can’t keep her under control like you two,” Sean curses as I offer him a small smile.
“Trust us we know,” Jason chuckles from beside me. We all share a quick look before Jason, and I place our guns into the back of our trousers.
“Let’s get this over and done with, shall we?”
Jason looks at me and nods before letting out a deep sigh. We walk to the doors and nod to the security on either side of us.
“All eyes are on the cars,” Terry says before I open the doors.
“Remember the signal?” I ask him, he rolls his eyes.
“Been doing this as long as you Christian. Just try not to die on my watch, it’s not worth the paperwork,” Terry smirks next to me, I roll my eyes as I hear Jasons deep laugh.
“Ahh fuck it,” I groan as I open the doors and exit into the afternoon sun.
As soon as we walk outside the driver’s door of the first car opens and the driver gets out with his hands up.
“You do know it’s unpolite to arrive unannounced, right?” I call out as we come to a stop at the top of the steps. “Just so you are aware there are six armed men trained on you at this moment. I suggest you tell us who is in the car, or we give the signal.”
“Sirs. I have been asked to apologise for the inconvenience but the people in these cars all mean no harm to you or anybody in your household. They requested an audience with you and wanted me to ensure you they are unarmed.”
I turn and look at Jason who’s shaking his head, he doesn’t like this either.
“Tell them to come out of the cars slowly, one at a time and we will talk. One fast move and our guards will shoot!”
Slowly the driver walks around to the back door and opens it. I anxiously watch before letting out a sigh of exasperation.
“What the fuck Geralt?” I curse as I cross my arms over my chest.
“You could have just called without all this fucking shit,” Jason sighs. But one look at Geralt’s face and I realise there’s a reason he is being over cautious. I look from the second car back to Geralt.
“Who’s in there?”
Geralt holds up his hands. “Just hear me out a second and I’ll tell you everything,” he starts but the door opens of the other car and Taylor climbs out with his hands up.
“Fucking prick!” Jason yells next to me as we both pull out our guns and aim them at Taylor.
“I’m not here to cause trouble,” Taylor yells, his hands still in the air.