Page 30 of Four Daddies & I

“I’m done, I don’t think I can do anything else. Mind if I leave and go to see my boyfriend?” Verity asks as we lean against the wall taking a drink break.

“not at all I think I might head off myself a little early. My back and stomach are starting to hurt.” We have also been using Verity’s phone for the music as the music player is broken. “I might just go through it one more time using my ear pods before going,” I add as I pull my headphones out of my bag and connect them to my phone.

I walk back into the middle of the room and test out the range for my headphones whilst Verity changes her shoes and chucks everything in her bag.

“I’m going, don’t forget to lock the door,” she calls as she walks out. I give her a thumbs up and continue to play about with the music until I find the track I want. I place my phone back in my bag and head to my starting position. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath, try to ignore the way my stomach and backache and start to dance. I quickly realise I haven’t locked the door but decide I will do it when I have finished this routine.

I regret that decision when halfway through my eyes catch a movement in the room. I stop to turn around but an arm wraps around my waist and I feel something sharp press against my throat.

“Move and I’ll slit you ear to ear,” A deep cockney voice growls. I freeze with fear. “Glad to see you can follow instructions,” he adds as his hold on me tightens.

“What do you want? I don’t have anything on me.” Every word causes the knife to scrape against my throat and it stings.

“The boss wants you to pass on a message, to the O’Reilly’s,” he says as his breath flows over my ear and I want to pull away from the smell of cigarettes and coffee.

“What message?”

I feel the sharp side of the blade glide across my throat before I feel it slide down my side a little harder as it grazes against the material of my leotard and cuts through it effortlessly. My mind is in overdrive, it wants to run and hide and get help, but I’m frozen to the spot knowing that if I fight, I’m more likely to get seriously hurt, or killed. Why the fuck didn’t I lock the fucking door?

“Tell those four losers that they need to stop hiding their father. If they know what’s good for them, they’ll pay my boss what he’s owed. It’s time for them to watch their whole empire crumble.” I feel the knife dig further into my side and have to stop myself from crying out in pain.

“They have three days to pay up or next time me and you meet, I won’t be so gentle.” I feel his hand slide down my stomach and grope between my legs. “The boss’s guys and I will take great pleasure using this over and over again. We will fuck you so hard that by the time we send you back to them, they won’t know what end to fuck and what end to feed!” he growls as a sob escapes my chest as his grip on my pussy tightens to the point it hurts.

“Please, they don’t know where Tommy is! They’ve cut him off!” I plead as he spins me around and grabs my face before pushing me backwards and slamming me into the wall with such force, I swear I see stars for a moment as I hear my head and mirror crack.

“Bullshit! If they want to find him, they can!” he growls before tightening his grip on my face and grinning at me. “You know, part of me wants them to fail just so I can hear what noise you make as I fuck you!” He forces my head back against the wall once more before letting me go and standing in front of me grinning. His hair is shaved short, and his eyes are so dark they look black. The way he grins at me is like something from a stalker movie. I don’t doubt that if he wanted to hurt me he could.

“You know they will kill you; you really think they will care who you work for? You hurt me and they will kill you, slowly,” I declare as I stand tall, refusing to let him see how scared I am. But his grin just widens.

“Better make sure they see you aren’t untouchable then.”

I don’t see it coming, he moves so fast. The back of his hand connects with my face, harder than I have ever been hit and I fly to the floor, hitting my head again as I land. My ankle screaming as it twists. I don’t have time to register what’s happened before he wraps my ponytail around his hand and lifts me by it. I cry out as I feel the hair being torn from my head.

“Three days bitch. Make sure they follow through otherwise it’s your life on the line.” He throws me to the floor and storms towards the door.

“You never said who they need to pay!” I cry out cursing myself for stopping him from leaving. He turns around and smiles. “Just tell them Hudson sends his regards, they will know.” With that, he walks out of the door pocketing his now-closed knife.

I feel my throat burning as I lift myself. I can’t cry, I refuse to. I try to walk but my ankle screams underneath my weight, and I have to grab the wall to support myself. I look over to the other side of the room where my bag’s lying on the peg. My phone and panic alarm tucked in the side pocket. I try to walk but my ankle goes from underneath me again and I nearly fall back to the floor.

I cry out a mixture of pain and frustration. But as I try to move again, I fall to the floor and a sob leaves my burning throat.

“Have you finished, yet?” I turn to look at Danielle as she storms into the room. She stares me at for a moment before cursing. “What the fuck happened?”

“My bag. Please.” I beg as my eyes fill with tears, she looks around the room and rushes to my bag before bringing it to me. I want to cry knowing that I can get help as soon as I have my bag. I look down at my ruined leotard, its slices open down one side. I quickly pull the fabric together to cover the exposed sliced skin.

“What do you need?” Danielle asks as she drops to the floor next to me. I open my side pocket and pull out my panic alarm and quickly activate it, before falling to the side. Danielle catches me and holds me up in a seated position, and for the first time ever I’m so grateful that she’s there.



It’s been nearly half an hour since I received the notification that Jasmine had activated her panic alarm. The protocol we have in place is we don’t contact her security, we wait for them to contact us so they can concentrate on the situation. They are to get her to the house as quickly as possible. When they know she is safe they then make contact.

I’d been on the way to a meeting when the alarm was activated and instantly dropped everything to rush home. I’m now pacing by the front door as Maximus attempts to keep me calm.

“I’m sure she is fine Christian.” I spin around and stare at him.

“Then why the fuck would she activate her alarm!”