“Fuck I don’t know, I’m trying to keep myself from going mad as well as you!” he yells back. I open my mouth to tell him to shut up when I hear a car screeching to a stop outside. We both jump and head for the front door.
Before I get to the passenger side door where I can see Jasmine sitting Layton jumps out of the driver’s side.
“What the hell happened?” I yell as I throw open the door to find a dazed and pale Jasmine. There is dried blood down the side of her face and I can see she’s holding back the tears. I reach around her to unbuckle the seatbelt and pull her into my arms.
“Hold on to me, baby girl,” I whisper as I lift her out of the car.
“Keep the compress against her head it is still bleeding,” Layton calls as he reaches us.
“I want to know what the fuck happened, now!” I growl at him as I turn and head back to the house. I can feel Jasmine shaking in my arms, I make an instant decision to take her to my room, that way we are close to a bathroom to get her cleaned up.
“She was attacked whilst in a studio on her own,” Layton says falling into step beside us.
“Who the fuck was it and how did they get anywhere near her?” Maximus yells next to me.
“It was Hudson, he knows how we work and managed to keep out of sight, striking when he knew she’d be distracted and away from her bag, and her alarm,” Layton explains as we walk into my room. The whole time Jasmine leans her head against my shoulder.
As I go to place her on my bed, she shakes her head and looks up at me with pleading eyes.
“What do you need baby girl?” I ask softly as she buries herself into my neck.
“You,” is all she says and my heart breaks. I place a kiss on the top of her head before sitting on the edge of the bed and holding her to me.
“Where was Terry?” Maximus asks as I gently pull the compress Jasmine is holding to her head away. Underneath is an open wound that starts bleeding as soon as the pressure is removed. I feel my anger rising, I will kill Hudson for causing her to bleed. I will count every single one of her injuries and inflict them on him, so he feels her pain before ending his life.
“He’s been with Jason since ten. Neither of them has been reachable for the last hour,” Layton sighs. “I had no idea anything was wrong. I had left Jasmine half an hour beforehand in a practice studio. She was locked in and with a friend. The friend had just left, and Jasmine hadn’t locked the door or let me know she was alone. I was doing a walk around and checking for anyone who shouldn’t be there. I never saw Hudson, not until a millisecond before Jasmine activated her alarm, I couldn’t follow him as she was my priority. When I got to the room Jasmine was with a girl, who was helping her to get her cardigan on I saw the state of Jasmine’s face and head I followed protocol. Grabbed her and brought her back here and wait for further instructions.”
I feel a growl escape my throat before leaning back a little trying to get a look at Jasmines’ injuries.
“Where are you hurt sweetheart?” she looks up at me through her lashes but I get my first real look at her face and my anger rises further. “Did he hit you?”
She nods and goes to lean back against my chest but Maximus grips her chin stopping her.
“Show me your neck.”
“I’m fine,” Jasmine protests but Maximus forces her head up and I see her neck. I stand up and place her on her feet, but her leg buckles underneath her and I have to hold her up. I look at her throat and the red mist starts to descend.
“Did he threaten you with a fucking knife?” I growl through gritted teeth, reminding myself repeatedly that Jasmine does not need to see me lose my shit right now.
“Yes,” she answers with the smallest squeak before bursting into tears. I pull her back into my arms and hold her before placing her on the bed. As much as I want to stay there and hold her, to help her feel safe I need to be doing something to try and get the situation under control somehow. Where the fuck is Jason when I need him?
“I’m getting the Doctor here now; I want this, and the head injury looked at!” Christian growls as he runs his knuckles over my bruised cheek and marches to the other side of the room.
“Why didn’t you show me this before?” Layton demands as I watch Christian with his phone to his ear.
“I just wanted to come home,” I answer quietly. Layton opens his mouth to answer but his phone rings out to stop him. “It’s Terry,” he says as he answers his phone.
“Jasmine has been attacked we’re at the house,” I hear him say as he walks out of the door. Maximus is standing at the side of the bed, and I can see the anger on his face, he goes to storm away from me but I reach up and almost fall from the bed trying to stop him. He manages to grab me before I hit the floor.
“Please don’t leave me, I need you to stay,” I beg as the tears continue to stream down my cheeks.
Maximus climbs onto the bed next to me and pulls me into his arms holding me as I cry quietly. I hear his phone ring which he answers without looking at the screen.
“What’s happening? I’ve just seen a notification that Jasmine activated her alarm,” I hear Sean call frantically.
“Layton just brought her home, Hudson attacked her.”