“Jazzy, there is a perfectly good desk, just over there,” Jason sighs stepping over me as he heads to the bar.
“I know, but I prefer it here,” I reply sticking my tongue out for good measure.
“How the fuck can you sit like that?”
I look up at Maximus from the floor where I’m working on my laptop.
“What? It’s how I always sit when I work,” I protest looking at my legs on either side of me in a perfect box split.
“I guess it explains how you’re so flexible,” Sean adds with a wink. I smile before going back to my essay. Being a ballerina certainly helps with my flexibility, and having four hot daddies who love to bend me to their will helps too.
Three months ago, my life was a mess. I’d escaped my abusive drug addict of a mother, by living in a run-down shithole of an apartment and working in a dive of a pub. I couldn’t afford to eat properly because I needed any cash I made to pay rent and tuition fees for my dance school where I’m training to be a ballerina and studying for a degree in dance. I hid the extent of my issues from everyone, including my four hot and very rich stepbrothers. Christian, Jason, Sean and Maximus O’Reilly were the best stepbrothers a girl could ask for, there is nothing they wouldn’t do for me. But after people abandoned me throughout my life, the thought of losing the O’Reilly brothers was too much, so I hid everything from them. Until Jason found out and I finally confessed to how bad things had become. Instead of running off and leaving me to deal with my life on my own, he bundled me into his car and brought me to the house he shares with his brothers. That was the night my whole life changed. The O’Reilly’s are no longer my stepbrothers, they’ve become so much more.
You see, I’m in a relationship with not one but all four of the O’Reilly brothers. With our parents now divorced, they have lost the title of stepbrothers; they are now my daddies. I no longer need to worry about where my next meal is coming from, or if I can make payments for my dance school, they pay for everything and look after me.
I know how that sounds, and no I’m not with them for their money, although they have a lot of it and make thousands of pounds an hour. I’m with them because they make me happier than I have ever been, they show me nothing but love and I love them all just as much. But having been alone for so long, it’s hard for me to accept they aren’t going anywhere, but they show me that I’m as stuck with them as I want to be every day.
“You never said how the meeting went this morning. Is the fight on for a week Saturday?” I hear Sean ask. I look up to watch his interaction with his twin, Maximus.
“Yeah, all set. We finalised everything with the other fighters and their managers. Words gotten out so should be a good turnout.”
I look at Maximus, as he sips his whiskey.
“You have a fight coming up?”
He looks down at me and nods.
“Can I come and watch?”
I look to Christian who’s sitting opposite the twins. His eyes not leaving the tablet in his hand as he sits back relaxed.
“Why not?” I demand moving so I can see him better making it easier to argue with him.
“Because it’s an underground fight. You can go to the next competitive one,” he replies not looking up from his papers. “Plus, you need to have an essay in three days later.”
Out of all my daddies, Christian is the strictest and least likely to back down. He is also the most likely to dish out punishments too.
“But what if the essay is done early? Can I go then? I want to watch Daddy Max fight,” I argue. Christian looks at me then and gives me the Daddy look I’ve learnt there’s no point arguing with.
“I said no. These fights are not like competitive ones. They’re loud, full of drugs, with highly dangerous men and women present who aren’t always on their best behaviour. The fights are dirty with no rules, it’s no place for someone like you.” If I missed the warning to stop arguing in his tone, I certainly don’t miss it in his cocked brow.
“I can’t see it being a problem, Christian.”
I turn and look at Jason who’s filling up his glass. “If it was both the twins fighting then yeah, there’s no way she could go. But Sean and I can stay with her the whole time and there’s already going to be plenty of security. It’s on our turf as well, so we can get her to safety quickly if there’s a problem,” Jason continues as he turns around and looks at Christian whilst leaning against the table behind him.
“Jason’s right, if we stay with her, no one will try anything. They know we are always armed at these things. You can concentrate on Maximus and the business side, and we’ll watch Jasmine,” Sean adds. I watch Christian who’s looking at his two brothers, before turning his attention to Maximus.
“You’ve met the other guys, what do you think?”
Maximus shrugs as he looks at me. “I get where you’re coming from, my first instinct is to keep her as far away as possible. But if shorty’s going to be in our lives, she needs to see what we do. She never needs to go again if she doesn’t like what happens. At least this way she’s protected by Jason and Sean, you could also ask Terry to have Layton guard her. I don’t think anyone is stupid enough to try something on our turf anyway,” Maximus says as he looks between me and his big brother.
“Plus, it will help get the word out that she is ours and what will happen if anyone hurts her.” I chance a look at Jason who gives me a little wink, obviously realising that he’s winning this argument. I look back at Christian and chew on my bottom lip, nervously. Christian lets out a sigh.