Page 2 of Four Daddies & I

“Fine, you can go.”

I jump up and rush to him squealing excitedly. “However!” he announces as I jump onto his lap. “There are rules.”

I put my arms around his neck.

“I will stick to them!” I promise quickly, Christian rolls his eyes before looking at his brothers.

“You two don’t let her out of your sight. If she needs to pee you go with her. If she wants to leave you go with her.”

“You aren’t the only one who gives a shit, Christian,” Jason warns as he walks away from the bar to sit on the third sofa.

“No, but I know she can wrap you around her little finger when she wants to,” Christian says as he looks at me and I give him my best puppy dog eyes.

“I’ll be good I promise,” I say making a cross over my heart.

“Jason, you’ll need to sort her outfit, and I’ll speak to Terry about having extra eyes on her.”

“Christian she’ll be fine, stop worrying,” Sean says from his spot on the other sofa. I watch as Christian’s blue eyes frown at his younger brother. “I dare anyone to try anything, I will kill them myself,” Sean adds. Christian nods and I hug him tightly.

“You are going to see a side of us that might scare you, but I promise we willneverbe like that with you,” Christian says firmly as he looks into my eyes and tucks a section of hair behind my ear. “Why do I feel like I’m going to regret letting you come?”

“It’ll be fine I promise Daddy.”

“It better be, because I will kill anyone who hurts you.”



I open the messaging app on my phone and stare at it for a moment before closing it. I stare at the locked screen and unlock it again, before growling and shoving the phone into my pocket.Get a grip for fuck sake Jasmine.It’s been three months since I last had any contact with my mother, and I know I should reach out.

The last time I saw her, she was dirty, skinny and addicted to all kinds of drugs as well as alcohol. She stood in front of Christian, Jason and me shouting all kinds of vile shit. Although I like to think it was mainly the substance talking, there was an element of truth to her outburst.

My mother and I have never been overly close since my father left us when I was eight. Mum always blamed me for him leaving, even though it was mainly due to her substance abuse and shopping addiction. I missed him for the first few years, and would often dream about him coming back for me and saving me from the abuse Mum would dish out when high or drunk. But he never came. By the time I was a teenager, I had given up on those dreams and threw myself into my dancing as a way of escaping the shitshow that was my life.

That all changed three years ago when Mum got sober and met Tommy O’Reilly. She fell head over heels in love with him and they married shortly after. Even though her marriage didn’t last and they divorced less than three years later, their marriage led me to my four guys and I will always be eternally grateful for that.

The problem is, that although I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, I know Mum is struggling with her addiction again and I want to help her. Yes, she said some horrible things to me the last time we spoke, but she is still my mum and I only have one. I want to reach out and message her, to check that she is okay, and at least alive, but I can’t seem to do it.

I look down at the phone in my hand and come up with an idea. I might not have the guts to message her but I can at least check that she has everything she needs and see for myself that she is still breathing. I throw my phone into my bag and head out with a plan of action.


“I don’t care what you say, I’m coming into that house with you, Jasmine. The O’Reilly’s would kill me if anything happened in there.”

I turn to face my personal bodyguard Layton and smile.

“They wouldn’tactuallykill you.”

Layton looks at me with arched brows and I hiss through my teeth. “Okay, yeah, they might,” I admit before smiling. The O’Reilly’s are successful businessmen who own hundreds of fight clubs, gyms and other sporting venues, but they are also very powerful and dangerous men. Their father Tommy dragged them into the darker world from a young age and they have built up quite an empire. I don’t know much about what they do, but I know they have all killed people to get to where they are. But I also know I am safer with them than I have ever been with anyone else.

“Fine, you can come in, but keep your mouth shut, my mother doesn’t do well with new people.” We climb out of his car and head around to the trunk. Layton takes the bags of food I brought for Mum, knowing there won’t be much in the house. When I go to grab a bag Layton gives me a look, which promises an argument if I even attempt to take one.

“You are worse than my daddies at times,” I sigh as I reach up and close the boot for him.

“That’s because I have seen what your daddies are capable of. I don’t plan on being the receiving end of one of their moods,” Layton says as he walks next to me.

“Are they that scary?” I ask. Layton nods and turns to look at me.