Page 43 of Four Daddies & I

“We won’t need it. Layton has taken it personally that she was hurt on his watch. He isn’t going to let her out of his sight ever again,” Christian sighs.

“Are you going to deal with him and the fact that she was hurt?” Jason asks. Christian surprises me by shaking his head.

“No, he’s beating himself up enough as well as Terry giving him hell. We asked them not to be with Jasmine every second and so it’s partially on us as well, but things will be changing.”

“She will fight you on it,” Maximus chuckles from beside me looking at Jasmine as she stirs slightly in Jason’s arms.

“She can try, but she won’t win this time. If she wants to be a brat, I’ll handle her,” Christian answers.

“What have I done now?”

We all chuckle as Jasmine pouts as she looks at Christian, who is smiling at her.

“Nothing,yet.” He emphasises the yet and I watch Jasmine lean into a smiling Jason.

“How you feeling, shorty?” Maximus asks as he watches Jasmine moan as if in pain.

“Like I want some painkillers and my bed,” she admits as looks at Christian through her lashes. Christian looks at her for a moment and lets out a sigh.

“Go to bed sweetheart, I’m letting you off your punishment,”

Jasmine’s face lights up before she winches in pain again.

“But!” Christian continues. “For the next month, you will be spanked ten times for every swear word out of your mouth.”

“TEN!” Jasmine yells as she sits up on Jason’s lap. “That’s not fair! It was his fault I swore!” she adds pointing at me.

“What did I do?” I ask trying not to laugh. But when she turns to face me all humour from the situation evaporates.

“It wasn’t bad enough that I was held at knifepoint, thrown against a wall and threatened to be raped I heardyousay you wanted to leave me andhe,” she points to Christian,“said he was considering it too! I had to do something, anything to make you stay with me!” she yells as she breaks down in tears as the room falls silent. She sobs into Jason’s shoulder. All four of us stare at her not knowing what to say or do. Jason rubs his hand up and down her back gently as he looks around at us all.

I’m frozen as I think of the conversation she overheard and how after years of promising her that we would never leave her she heard me suggesting we do just that. I climb off the sofa and walk over to sit on the coffee table in front of her. I make her look at me, wiping away the tears that are making tracks down her cheek as she sobs, all the strength she has shown today crumbling in front of my eyes.

“You’re right, I’m so sorry princess. I didn’t mean it though; I could never walk away from you. I was scared and confused and to be honest, hated myself for not protecting you. I can promise you I would have never gone through with it though; I never want to lose you.”

“Promise,” she sobs as she looks at me. I lean forward and press my lips to her gently.

“I Promise. I’m not going anywhere, none of us are,” I reply as she climbs off Jasons lap and moves to mine. I look over her head and see the same expression on all my brothers faces.

Jasmine has been so strong today, we forgot to check how she was actually doing after everything. We need to do better and take better care of her. Christian walks over and places a kiss on the top of her head. I know he will feel as guilty as me, I would give anything for her to have not heard that conversation earlier.

“Seans right sweetheart, we aren’t going anywhere. But you are going to bed. You have had a rough day and you need to rest.”

Jasmine looks up at him and nods.

“Do you want anyone with you tonight?” I ask as I run my hand down her back. Jasmine nods whilst looking at us all.

“I want you all near,” she says softly. I look at my brothers as they all smile.

“Sean will take you up and Maximus will be there in a minute. Christian and I will be up as soon as we send a few emails, okay angel?”

Jasmine looks at Jason and nods. This isn’t the first night she has wanted us all close to her and I for one don’t want to let her out of my sight tonight. I stand up lifting her into my arms, offering her a small smile.

“Come on princess, let’s get you settled before this lot comes up and takes over the whole bed.”

