“Evening McIntire, I hope this isn’t a bad time?” Christian asks all business and sounds a lot calmer than any of us are feeling.
“That depends on what it is you wish to discuss?” McIntire sighs and I know we’re going to have to tread carefully as he already sounds irate.
“It has been brought to my attention that our father has been getting into a lot of trouble with owing people favours and money. Your name was brought up. I was wondering if you could tell me if that is true or not?”
I can see from here that Christian is sweating as we hold our breath for McIntire’s response.
“Yes, your father owes me a lot of money, he suggested clearing some of his debt by offering me something I have no interest in and also know you would be against.”
“What did he offer you as part payment?” Christian asks standing tall.
“His stepdaughter for my youngest son to marry.”
“Cunt!” Christian curses forgetting himself for a moment.
“I thought that would be your response which was why I had planned on approaching you on the subject.”
“So, you know about Jasmine?” Christian asks looking over at her still asleep against Jason, who is holding her tighter than he was before.
“He told me she’s the daughter of his ex-wife and a virgin. But I’ve heard a few rumours since.”
I have seen my eldest brother look angry, and I have seen him at boiling point as he has killed men but I have never seen him look like he is about to burn the world to the ground. Christian has always been a hard book to read, his feelings are perfectly clear as he hears of the danger our Jasmine is in.
“I can assure you she willneverbe a bargaining chip,” Christian growls.
“From what I hear she’s in a relationship with youandyour brothers?” I can hear the question in his voice.
“That’s correct,” Christian answers. “She was also attacked today whilst, at her dance school. I hate to ask but do you know who may have been responsible for that?” Christian asks, still not taking his eyes off the sleeping Jasmine.
“I do not. It isn’t something I would have sanctioned no matter what was owed to me. She’s innocent in all of this, and I would come to you first before doing anything out of hand.” We all let out a sigh of relief. “That being said, your father has ensured me that youwillbe clearing his debt.”
Christian sighs and grabs a piece of paper.
“Even though my brothers and I have agreed that we will not be paying any of his debts off. We would like to cover it this one time with you. We have always had a good business relationship and I would like to keep it that way,” Christian says as he looks at the rest of us. We all nod in confirmation.
“I will email everything over to you, and I am sure we can come to some sort of agreement. Do you have any idea who was responsible for your Jasmine’s attack?”
“All we know is that Hudson attacked her saying it was for his boss. It turns out he is no longer working for Taylor; we have confirmed that ourselves.”
“Then I will keep an ear out and let you know what I hear. If you need any help with protecting your little lady then please shout. You have done things for me in the past and you are being reasonable in taking on your father’s wrongdoings. I appreciate that about you boys your father has done you wrong for many years, but you four have stuck together and built what you have from nothing. If I was your father, I would be proud.”
“Thank you, I’m not sure what to say to that?” Christian answers honestly as he looks around us all.
“There is nothing left to say. I will email you about your father’s debt and we will come to an agreement. Usually, my terms are immediate payment but as this isn’t your debt, we will organise something. As for Jasmine, please let me know what you need in terms of protection for her and I will send over some of my best men. Speak soon.”
With that, he hangs up and we all just stare at the phone in disbelief.
The relief washes through me as I realise, we are all safe from the biggest crime family in the country. Maximus lets out a deep breath whilst standing up and walking over to the bar.
“I need another drink,” he exclaims as he picks up the bottle and pours himself two fingers of the amber liquid before walking around and re-filling all our glasses. I hold up my glass, but I don’t take my eye off my eldest brother.
Christian slumps into his chair and runs a hand over his face letting out an exhausted breath. I can’t help wondering if he managed to breathe at all during that call. He looks even more tired now than he did before it. He takes his now re-filled glass from Maximus and necks it.
Christian has always carried all our worries on his shoulders, he has tried to protect the three of us as much as possible. Jason has been by his side the longest, but even he doesn’t know half the things Christian has done whilst trying to protect us from the world our father forced us into. Since his first kill at just fifteen, Christian has protected us and would give his life to make sure we can live ours. But looking at him now as he continues to watch Jasmine like she is about to evaporate right in front of his eyes; I realise that he feels the fear of losing her just as much as he feels about losing one of us.
I’ve never thought that I loved her more than my brothers, even from the very beginning I knew we all would die for her. The initial conversation of us sharing her wasn’t whether we could handle it, it was more if she could. Jasmine is so sweet, and innocent that the thought of her wanting to be with us all was something we believed she would struggle with. But as always, just like today, she has surprised us with how quickly she can adapt.
“At least our girl is safe for now, worst case we can ask McIntire to send extra security,” Jason sighs as he kisses the top of Jasmine’s head.