Twenty-five minutes later I’m sitting in the passenger seat of Christian’s car with Jason in the back tapping away on his phone. My heart starts racing as he pulls into my old street and stops outside the house.

“Please let me go in on my own? She will be in a vile mood and I can handle her better without an audience,” I beg turning in my seat to face Christian, who shakes his head.

“We are coming with you. You don’t know who’s in there and we won’t risk you getting hurt. Plus we want to offer Carol our help.”

“What do you mean?” I ask. Jason reaches forward and places a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

“We know a very good rehab facility and want her to know that option’s there if she wants it,” Jason explains as I turn to look at him shocked.

“You would do that? Help her get sober again?”

Jason nods as Christian takes my hand.

“Sweetheart, we might not agree with everything Carol has done, but she’s still your mother, and we can see what her substance abuse has done to you.”

I look between these amazing men and then at the dark house.

“She won’t take the offer, I appreciate you trying but I think this time she’s too far gone,” I sigh.

I look out the window and want to cry. I loved that house when I moved in. Everything about it was perfect. The guys had come around and helped me decorate it. Jason and Maximus helped build all the furniture and for the first time in years, it felt like I had a real home. That was until Mum and Tommy started having problems and Mum moved in. She took my room as it was the biggest and I moved into the smaller one. Mum started drinking heavily until I had no choice but to leave. Tommy warned me that I wouldn’t like the consequences if I told the guys about the rent and financial agreement. It was one of the reasons I could never bring myself to phone them and ask for help, even though I knew it was the logical thing to do.

I hear one of the car doors open and look up as Jason opens mine and holds out his hand.

“Come on, angel. The sooner you get this sorted the quicker you can move forward and stop looking back.”

I look at his hand and nod, before placing taking it and letting him help me out of the car. As he closes the door, I feel Christian walk up beside us. I quickly look between the two of them.

“Please don’t mention our relationship in there she will just use it as ammunition,” I ask, the guys share a look.

“We won’t hide that we care about you, but we will leave out the fact that all four of us are with you fornow,” Christian says but I don’t miss the way he emphasises ‘now’. I take a deep breath and look back up at the house. I don’t say anything I just start heading up the path through the overgrown garden to the front door and take one last deep breath before opening it, knowing it wouldn’t be locked.

We walk into the house and are hit with the smell of rotting stale garbage, drugs and alcohol. I heave and have to take a second before I can take another step, but as I go to move, I feel an arm blocking me.

“Let me go first, something doesn’t feel right,” Jason whispers as he walks past me and turns to look at us. Christian’s arm wraps around my waist and he holds me close to his front.

“I’ve got her. Shout and I’ll get her to the car before coming back,” Christian says over my head. Jason nods and heads into the house. “Don’t panic he’s just checking who’s here,” Christian whispers into my ear. I nod and heave from the smell again. “Breathe through your mouth, it’s easier,” he adds as he holds me a little tighter. I do as he suggests, I’m about to tell him I can taste the smells when I hear a thud and someone curses.

Christian moves so quickly that I nearly fall as he places himself between me and the entrance to the rest of the house. I hear what sounds like someone falling down the stairs before a body flies into view.

“Think you can jump me you piece of shit! Get the fuck out of my house!” Jason growls loudly as he comes storming into view.

“Your house? Who the fuck are you?” The guy curses as he tries to get to his feet, and I realise he’s naked. I move so I don’t have to see the state of his skeleton-thin, abused body.

“Jason! Get the hell out of my house!” I hear my mother scream and my back straightens as Christian tightens his hold of me and stops me from stepping around him. Jason doesn’t even acknowledge her; I can’t see what’s happening as Christian won’t let me move from the safety of his back and for a moment I’m grateful when I hear someone curse and the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

“Leave him alone!” my mother screams and I hear Christian curse. As he turns, I can see from his face that he’s getting me out of here.

“No!” I protest quickly ducking past him and rushing into the lounge. As I get to the room, I see Mum behind Jason, who has the other guy by the throat. Jason has blood coming from the side of his mouth and looks like he is about to kill someone.

“Stop! Everyone just stop!” I scream as I hold my hands up as Christian holds me from behind ready to get me out of the way of danger. Everyone turns to look at me and I see the shock on Mum’s face before it changes to a look of pure evil and she launches herself at me, snarling.


Christian pushes me out of the way before restraining her.

“Carol stop, we’re here to help,” Christian warns as she fights against him. He looks up at Jason and looks towards the guy he has hold of. “Is he the only one here?”

Jason nods and looks at the guy.