“If you want to leave this place alive, get dressed and fuck off. Try and fight me again and you will end up where we put all drugged-up fuckers like you,” Jason drops the guy who grabs his clothes from the floor and rushes out of the door.

“Kyle stay!” Mum screams as she starts fighting Christian again. “Get your fucking hands off me you prick!”

“Mum let him go so we can talk,” I say calmly as I step in front of her so she can see me. “We just want to help you get the care you need. If you will calm down Christian will let you go, and we can talk properly.”

I keep eye contact with her as my heart breaks. I’ve never been overly close to my mother, she has never been the type of mum I wish she’d been, but she’s the only one I have and to see her looking so thin, unkept and just plain broken is too much.

She stops fighting Christian and stares at me with her bloodshot blue eyes and for a moment I think I see the mum who danced with my dad when I was three, who made cookies with us at Christmas and who smiled at me on her wedding day three years ago like she finally had everything she needed in her life. She’d been the happiest I’ve seen her since before my dad left and she was happy for a while after it.

“Please Mum, just talk to me,” I say quietly as I take a step towards her and try to hide the fact that the smell of her is assaulting my nose and making me feel sick to my stomach. Jason steps next to me and puts an arm out stopping me from getting any closer to her.

“Carol, Christian will let you go, but if you try to hurt Jasmine wewillintervene. We just want to help you,” he says keeping his arm across my front. Mum looks at him for a moment and bursts out laughing.

“Of course, you will protecther! It’s always been about precious Jasmine. Make sure she has everything she needs, the house, the expensive dance school, and everything that goes with it,” Mum snarls as she glares at me. “No one gives a shit about Carol, no one wants to help her because they care, it’s always because of Jasmine.Jasmine needs a mum who is sober. Jasmine needs a healthy home.Maybe Jasmine just needs to stop being a spoilt brat and realise that everything doesn’t fall from the sky and land perfectly at her feet!” she snarls. Not once losing the evil look on her face. I feel my anger rise and for the first time, I don’t attempt to pull it back.

“Are you for real right now Mother? Do you really think I don’t know how hard things were or are? Who was it that was cleaning up your sick and covering up for you at the age of nine? ME! Who saved your life on three separate occasions because you had overdosed? ME! I’ve bailed you out when dealers come looking for payment, and put a roof over your head when you left Tommy? IT WAS ALL ME!” I scream as all the anger I have felt towards her my whole life starts rushing to the surface. Jason holds me back as I try to get close enough to hit her.

“You didn’t help me last time someone came knocking for money though, did you? You turned around and ran like the fucking bitch you are! Leaving me to deal with them!” Mum yells. I freeze as the last tiny thread of control snaps, and I jump forward screaming.


Silence fills the room. Jason and Christian both stare at me with their mouths hanging open. I look Christian in the eye as I point to my mother. “That’s right, I lied when I told you I had lost my virginity that night. I tried to, god I wanted to, just because I knew she was back on the drugs and would use me as payment if she knew I was still one. But the stupid prick Damien didn’t even get it in me! It doesn’t fucking matter as she found out and tried to sell it anyway! That’s why I ran and didn’t come back because I knew if I did, she would stand by and let me get raped as payment for her drugs!”

“You fucking bitch!” Mum snarls as she surges forward again.

“Lock her in the kitchen, I’m getting Jasmine’s stuff and we’re leaving,” Christian growls as he throws Mum at Jason and grabs my hand, dragging me up the stairs.

He heads for the main bedroom, but I pull my hand from his and storm into the smaller room Mum forced me to move into. Trying desperately to ignore the state of my once beautiful house. I barge into the small room I called mine for less than a month and freeze.

The place is trashed, there’s nothing left intact. The curtains have been ripped down, the wardrobe emptied, and the contents destroyed, the mirror and picture frames on the walls are all smashed, and I don’t want to even think about what is covering my sheets.

“Sweetheart, leave it,” Christian whispers softly as he places his hands on my shoulders. I step away from him as I walk over to a double picture frame that’s lying on the floor upside down and pick it up. I hear the glass rattling and falling onto the floor as I turn it around and see my two-favourite pictures. One of my grandparents and I, taken the summer before they died in a gas leak in their home. A picture of the guys and me taken the night of the wedding when we sat together on the beach and talked until dawn. I’d fallen asleep there and one of them had carried me up to my room. That was the night I knew I was going to fall for the four men beside me and I knew I was going to be the one hurt when they walked away just like everyone does.

I pull the pictures from the frame and look at the damage on the one of the five of us and run my fingers over the slash made from the broken glass.

“I have another from that night, we will get it printed for you,” Christian’s voice comes behind me as his hand rests on my shoulder. All I can do is nod as I blink back the tears whilst looking around my room. "Do you have a hidey hole here?”

I look up at Christian and nod pointing to the radiator. I watch as he pulls on some leather gloves and walks over before squatting down. He pulls back the carpet, runs his fingers over the floorboards, and finds the right place to pull it up. I watch as he retrieves a shoe box wrapped in a plastic bag.

“That’s everything I put in there,” I say quietly. He turns to look at me and nods before standing up and putting the floorboard and carpet back in place. He picks up the package and walks over to me.

“Just so you know, you never need to hide anything at home.”

I nod as I already knew that. The guys would never take from me like my mum and her friends have.

Christian places a hand on the bottom of my back and leads me towards the door.

“Whatever is left, leave, we’ll replace it,” he whispers as he applies pressure and leads me back downstairs where we find Jason standing over Mum sitting on the sofa, in nothing but a dirty dressing gown.

“Kitchen door won’t close, but she knows not to move,” Jason declares not taking his eyes off her as he stands with his arms crossed over his chest. Mum rolls her eyes and leans back on the dirty sofa with her hands up in the air.

“Don’t worry I won’t touch your preciousJazzy,” she turns and looks at me grinning. “I always knew you would end up fucking one of them, which one is it? Christian or Jason?” she asks as she turns her nose up at them. She looks back at me and an evil smirk appears on her face. “They will get bored of you soon enough, and when they are done, who will look after you then? No grandparents, your father’s gone, I don’t give a shit and your four rich stepbrothers will leave you in the gutter just like their father left me. Enjoy the fun whilst you can, as it’s all downhill from here girl.”

“That’s enough Carol!” Jason snaps as he turns to look at me and Christian. “Is that everything?” he asks looking at the package in Christian’s hands. I avoid looking at him or my mother as I feel myself beginning to shake and my eyes burning, I refuse to let them see me cry. “Then let’s get out of this dump,” Jason growls as Christian turns me around and guides me towards the front door. I don’t fight him, I just let him lead me.

We walk to the car in silence, and I stop next to the front passenger door waiting for Christian to unlock it, but instead I hear keys being tossed through the air.

“You drive, she rides in the back with me.” Christian takes my hand and pulls me into the back seat with him, but when I sit next to him, he pulls me into his arms and positions me across his lap with my head resting on his shoulder. Part of me wants to pull away and put some distance between us. But when I try to move, he tightens his arms around me as Jason starts the car and pulls away from the house and out of the street. I try to move again once we are moving, but Christian tightens his grip on me.