Page 91 of Stepbrothers

A tremble went through her, and her pussy tightened. “Yes. It was fun.” She rested her palm on his solid biceps, the memory weakening her knees. Parker had been out with old friends from university, and Hugh had found her slim golden vibrator and set about teasing her for hours with it. She’d been begging to come by the end, her body writhing with need and damp with sweat. The climax had been worth the wait as he’d sunk deep into her from behind and used the wickedly good toy on her clit.

“Perhaps Parker will want to play later,” he said.

“I hope so.” Though could she handle two cocks plus a vibrator? That was a lot for any girl.

He chuckled and set a kiss on her lips. “I love that you’re so in tune with your sexuality. It’s hot, refreshing, and so sexy.”

She smiled and glanced to the right. A group of three women were staring her way. Mid-twenties and dressed prettily for summer. Hugh had obviously caught their attention. Which wasn’t unusual. He was a hunk, and his tight t-shirt gave a good clue the defined muscular torso beneath. Plus, he smelled amazing, bergamot and citrus, a cologne he often wore because she’d said she loved it. No doubt they’d gotten a whiff of it. Damn stuff was an aphrodisiac.

“And I love you,” she said, smiling up at him.

“You do?” His eyes sparkled.


He kissed her again. “I’m so happy you said that because I love you, too.”

Warmth filled her as he slid his hand around her waist and they carried on shopping. Life was good—more than good.

“What about dessert?” Parker asked when they were at the checkout.

“Yes, we better get something.” Clarice glanced at the end of the aisle. “Does Trig have a favorite?”

“Yeah, he likes trifle. I’ll go and see if they’ve got one.” Hugh walked away from the trolley.

“Be quick,” she called after him.

But the truth was, the person in front had a full trolley to unpack onto the conveyor.

“Are you looking forward to meeting Trig?” Parker asked. He slipped his arm around her waist.

“Yes, of course.”

“He can be…”


“Highly strung at times. Especially if he’s been on a tour, and it’s been heavy shit.” He frowned. “Hard to shake off the feeling you’re about to get shot at, I suppose.”

“It must be hard.” She squeezed closer to him and rested her hand on his chest. “But thank goodness he’s got a home and family to come back to. That must ground him.”

“I’d like to think so.”

“I’m sure it does, you certainly make me feel grounded.”

“We do?” He kissed the tip of her nose.

“Yes, I feel like I’m seeing clearly now for the first time in a long time. I can see the future, or at least my hopes for the future.”

“I love that you feel that way. We had the sense you were lost in a land of partying and a dead-end job when we met you. Plus living in that awful flat wasn’t doing you any favors.”

“It was home, my home.” She paused. “But you’re right, it wasn’t worth the rent I was paying.”

“And we love having you with us.”

“I’m glad.”

He set a lingering kiss on her lips.