Had anything ever been so sexy and hot and filthy? She wasn’t sure. But she loved every moment of it. Kneeling before her two men, letting them fuck her mouth, come on her face, and demand her to orgasm was amazing.
“Jesus Christ, that was incredible.” Hugh removed his cock. He released her hair and hoisted her to standing. “Fuck, that was better than any wet dream.” His eyes were wide.
She knew what a sight she was. Mouth slack and wet as she caught her breath. Pearlescent release dripped from her right cheek. Her breasts were rising and falling rapidly.
“Yeah, you’re so fucking good at sucking dick,” Parker said, reaching for a wad of kitchen roll and wiping her face. “Sucking two dicks.”
She let him clean her up, then Hugh drew her into a hug, tucking her head beneath his chin. “Might have to do that again later, let Parker have a turn at coming in your mouth.”
“I’d be up for that.” She reached for Parker, and he joined the hug, holding her tight while they all caught their breath.
The trill of Parker’s phone pierced the moment.
“Who can that be?” he muttered. Releasing her, he picked it up. “Hello.” Pause. “Fuck, how’s it going, Trig? Didn’t expect to hear from you for a while yet.” Pause. “You have? That’s great news. I’ll call Dad. We’ll cook, it’s our turn.” He turned to Clarice, his eyes still holding the heaviness of satisfaction. “Yeah, you can meet your new sister.” Pause. “Oh yes, she is. We’ll see you on Sunday then.” He ended the call.
“He’s got leave?” Hugh asked, still holding Clarice against his chest.
“Yes, just a week, unexpected but very welcome. We’ll do lunch on Sunday, and I’ll invite Dad and Jenny here. They’ll be pleased to see him.”
“I’m looking forward to meeting your big brother,” Clarice said.
“He’s your big brother, too.” Hugh grinned.
“True. Though I guess I’ll have to find somewhere else to sleep because I’m shacked up in his room. He might not be very pleased to find a strange woman in his bed.”
Hugh chuckled. “Don’t worry, he’s going to like you.”
“You think?” She couldn’t help feeling nervous about meeting the older, hard-as-nails soldier brother. Parker and Hugh were intense and demanding and all-consuming, and from what she’d heard, though, they were positively laid-back compared to Trig.
“You can bunk up with me,” Hugh said. “I’ve got zero problem with having you in my bed.”
“I might join you both.” Parker raised his eyebrows, and the right side of his mouth twitched into a grin. “You can’t have her all to yourself, Hugh.”
The weekend came around quickly, and Clarice found herself at the supermarket with Parker and Hugh on Sunday morning filling up a trolley with everything they would need to host their family for lunch.
“Chicken or beef?” Hugh asked her.
He put a large organic chicken in the trolley.
“Smoked salmon to start?” Parker asked. He held up a pack.
“Oh yes, perfect.” Clarice nodded. “And we’ll need potatoes, carrots, and broccoli.” She added them to the trolley.
“I’ll go and get the stuffing and gravy,” Parker said. He stepped away.
She picked up a pack of rocket leaves. “Shall we put this with the salmon?”
“Sure.” Hugh tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
She smiled up at him.
“You look beautiful today,” he said quietly.
A laugh caught in her throat. “I’m in jeans and an old t-shirt with zero makeup on. I need to smarten up before our guests arrive later.”
“You still look beautiful.” He leaned closer and spoke into her ear. “And I keep thinking about last night. Using your vibe on you was so hot.”