Realizing what was going to happen, she scrabbled to escape. Fighting and clawing and releasing a string of curse words.
“You are behaving like a prize brat.” Hugh had her legs trapped between his solid thighs. He flicked her cotton summer dress so that it hung down her back to her shoulders, then yanked away her white panties to expose her ass cheeks.
“Oh my god, Hugh would you let me go and…ouch!”
A hard spank had landed on her ass. She jerked forward, shock and hot pain gripping her.
“Keep still and take your punishment.” He brought his palm down again, then again on her delicate rear. Each cheek in turn. The sharp sound of flesh on flesh was loud in the quiet room.
Her belly clenched as the heated sting raced to her pussy and clit. Her nipples tightened, and her eyes filled with tears.
“Little girls who try to sneak out and then launch into hysterics deserve a spanking.” He trapped her tighter against his body with his free hand. “And that’s what you’re going to get.”
“Oh no, please.” She clenched her fists.
But nothing could save her. Hugh smacked her bottom over and over. Fast swipes of his palm that spread blistering heat over her flesh. She winced and cried and panted through the humiliation and pain. Her pussy dampened, and an ache grew in her clit.
After a few minutes, he stopped and smoothed his hand over her stinging buttocks. “Who have you been with today?”
She sniffed noisily.
“Clarice, tell me now.”
“I’ve been…with…Wendy.” Her words came out on jagged breaths.
“And I’m guessing she’s the one who filled your pretty head with the idea that this, us, is sick.”
“Yes, she said…oh…she said we shouldn’t be together. That I am depraved and…”
He kind of chuckled, which made her all the madder at him.
“Oh, you’re depraved all right.” He slipped his fingertip down the cleft of her ass cheeks, lower, lower still until he found the entrance of her pussy. “Because what kind of little sister gets off on her big brother smacking her naughty bare bottom, eh?”
“Oh!” He’d tunneled two fingers into her sopping entrance. She clenched around him.
“Clarice, this is worse than I thought. You’re so wet. A spanking turns you on, doesn’t it? My god you’re so hot for it.”
“Hugh, please, I…” She gasped as he buried deeper to rub her sensitive internal place and toy with her arousal. “Oh yes, just there.”
“Wet and needy and always wanting to fuck.” He spoke almost to himself. “And with your rump bright red, you’re all the more eager. Well, I’ll tell you something, you’re not getting it. No orgasm for you, little girl.”
“But I want, I…oh!” She jerked forward.
He’d pulled out of her pussy and smacked her again, hard on each butt cheek.
“I won’t have you listening to people who have no idea what they’re talking about.” He rubbed over each buttock in turn. “And I speak for Parker, too, when I say you’re very special to us, and we only want the best for you. This Wendy has no idea what our relationship is, and I suspect she wouldn’t understand if we tried to explain. But what you need to know is there is nothing wrong with it, even if we have decided to keep it from our family.”
“But, oh…she said…” Clarice tried to straighten, but it was no good, Hugh had the flat of his hand firmly between her shoulder blades.
“I don’t care what she said. We know how this is between us, and you can’t deny you like the sexandyou like having someone take control and hold you accountable for your life, for your future, for your misdemeanors.”
“Hugh, please…I…” Suddenly, he plucked her upright and stood her between his legs so his face was level with her breasts.
She swayed, dizziness besieging her. Tiny black dots swarmed through her vision, and she grappled for support.
“I’ve got you.” He gripped her waist. “Take a deep breath.”
She did as he’d asked, and her dress fell back into place on her exhale.