“And where would you do the training?”
“Ideally in a primary school local to here. So I don’t have to move.”
“That would be convenient, but surely moving should be on your radar. I thought your flat was riddled with problems?”
“It is.”
“Hugh said the smoke alarm wasn’t working.”
“I know. But Hugh’s fixed it now.” She shrugged. Her flat was an embarrassment, and the fact her landlord just ignored her made her feel invisible. She was sure he’d be banging on the door if she stopped paying her rent, though. “I’ve left a few messages. I expect I’ll hear from him next week.”
“Let’s hope so.”
“Where do you guys live?”
“We share a place near Chelsea Bridge.”
“Of course you do.”
He frowned.
“It’s expensive there,” she said. “I’ve noticed you like expensive.”
“We like nice.” He fiddled with his cutlery, spreading it wide ready for a pizza plate. “It has three bedrooms, one each, saves Trig leaving a place empty when he’s away, which is most of the time.”
“I bet it’s a real bachelor pad. Game consoles and black leather sofas, fridge full of beer and—”
Her words caught in her mouth. Standing outside the window was Wendy, her lips stretched in a bright-red smile and her kohled eyes wide. She indicated that she was coming in.
“Someone you know?” Parker asked.
“Er, yes, my friend, Wendy.”
“And you know her from…?”
“We met a few years ago, out clubbing.”
“I see.”
Wendy arrived at the table. She grinned broadly at Clarice then set her attention on Parker, taking a deep breath as she did so and almost making her breasts pop out of her low-cut black top. “It’s lovely to see you, Clarice, and who is your new friend?”
“This is Parker.”
“You didn’t tell us you were dating.” She jiggled her finger as though scolding Clarice.
“We’re not, he’s my stepbrother. Benjamin’s son, one of them.”
“Ah yes, you did tell me your mother’s marriage was gaining you siblings.”
She didn’t take her eyes from Parker, it was as though she was stripping his clothes off mentally, imagining him naked and hard. To top it all, she swiped her tongue over her lower lip and fluttered her eyelashes.
It occurred to Clarice she’d seen Wendy do this many times when they’d been out on the pull. It had never bothered her then, but now…now she had a strange sense of possessiveness. She had no right to have it, but that didn’t stop it nipping at her heels. Was that how Parker had felt at the café with Tom? When Tom had flirted and Parker had butted in, put a stop to it.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Parker stood and held out his hand.
Wendy took it with a giggle. “Well, aren’t you posh. And all dressed up in a suit at Pizza Express.”
Parker smiled and re-sat.