Page 56 of Stepbrothers

“He came straight from work,” Clarice said.

“I can see that.” She placed her hand on her waist and jutted her hip to the right. “And I’m sure you’re very hungry, all that slaving away in an office. Striking big deals, keeping the minions in order.”

“Actually, here is our pizza now.” Parker nodded over her right shoulder.

Wendy stepped out the way of the waiter. “Okay, well, I’ll leave you to it.” She kissed Clarice’s cheek. “I’ll catch up with you soon…very soon.”

“Okay, bye.” Clarice forced herself to smile. Wendy was like a cat who had found a bowl of cream. It was annoying.

Two pizzas and two bowls of salad were set down before them.

“Thank you.” Clarice smiled at Parker. “This smells good.”

“Mmm, I’m ready for it.”

She picked up her knife and fork. Her phone tinged.

“Answer it if you need to,” Parker said. “I’m afraid I might have to reply to an email in the next hour, work.”

She picked up her phone. A message from Wendy.

Your new bro is sex on a stick. I want his number now.

She frowned and put the phone down.

“A problem?” Parker asked.


“It is. I can tell by your face.”

“It isn’t.” A rush of irritation made her scalp itch.

“Tell me,” he said firmly. “I haven’t known you long but I know you well enough to know when something has pissed you off.”

“It’s Wendy. She wants your phone number.”

“Wow.” He chuckled. “She doesn’t mess around, does she?”

Clarice’s irritation increased to anger. She pouted to stop herself from speaking and saying something nasty.

“Give me the phone,” he said, still smiling.

“What? Why?”

“Just do it.” He held out his hand.

After a moment of hesitation, she unlocked it and passed it over the salad bowls.

He tapped at the screen.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving her my number.”

“What?” She clenched her fists around her knife and fork and leaned forward. “Why the hell would you do that?” It took all her energy not to snarl.

“Because.” He glanced at her, an arrogant grin playing with his lips. “Then she won’t bother you anymore, she’ll bother me, and I will tell her in no uncertain terms that I’m not interested.”