“I like you in a suit.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, suits you, if you know what I mean.” She giggled.
“Can I get you a drink, madam?” a waiter asked.
“Cola is good, thank you.” She sat back. “So how has your week been so far?”
“Is that all I get?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Busy with what?”
“A new contract with a Singapore company. The final legalities are proving complex.”
“And that’s your job to fix? I didn’t know you were a lawyer, too.”
He laughed and opened his menu. “I’m not. I have lawyers to do the legalities, it’s just awkward sometimes when I’ve basically done the deal, shaken hands, and then the final wording throws a spanner in the works.” He paused and took a sip of his drink. “Anyway, boring stuff, not what I want to talk about now.”
“Fair enough, I know what it’s like to want to leave work behind at the end of the day.”
“Can I take your orders?” The waiter was back with Clarice’s cola.
“I’ll take a ham and pineapple, please,” Clarice said.
“Meat feast for me, with a side of salad. Actually, make that two sides of salad.”
“Yes, sir.”
“You got a thing for salad?” she said.
“I got one for you, too. You need some greens with your meal.”
“Wow.” She shook her head and stared at him.
“What?” His jaw tensed, a now familiar expression to her.
“You want to know what else I’ve eaten so you can check I’ve had my five a day?”
“Have you?” He dipped his head and looked at her with heavy eyes.
“Er…” She thought back. A slice of toast and marmite. Pecan and maple syrup pastry. Banana. Packet of ready salted. “Probably the salad will bring me up to five.” She nodded and smiled. “I sent off my PGCE.”
“As you were told to do.”
“Want to see the confirmation of receipt?” She took out her phone.
“I believe you.”
She set the phone on the table, facedown.
“And when will you hear back?”
“Soon, hopefully. I’ve got all the entry requirements so I should get an interview.”