“Is it Trig?” Hugh asked.
“Would you just make the gravy,” she snapped.
“Hey.” He stepped up close behind her. “Watch your tone, little girl, or you’ll feel my hand on your ass the moment everyone is gone.”
She froze, just for a second, then pursed her lips and set about knocking out the potatoes which were perfect. The last thing she wanted was a red ass at the close of day. But if she wasn’t careful, that was exactly what would happen. She’d be upended, bottom bared, and spanked soundly.
A quiver attacked her belly when she remembered Trig, or Sean, smacking her ass during their wild fucking. He’d been pretty damn expert at it, heating her backside until it burned. And what he’d said…suddenly it all rushed back to her.
‘If you were mine and a spanking was in order, you’d be over my knee, bare butt in the air, and I wouldn’t stop until you were humiliated, disgraced, crying for mercy. Until you’d thoroughly learned your lesson and I knew you’d never disobey me again. That is, if you were mine.’
Oh bloody hell. Trig was a spanker like his brothers. Of course he was. He’d show her no mercy either. Maybe she did need to get out of the apartment. Take refuge somewhere. If only she hadn’t had such a fall-out with Wendy and likely Sharon, too, since neither had been in touch.
“Gravy is done,” Hugh said.
“Veg strained and chicken carved.”
“Perfect.” She set about serving while Parker and Hugh hovered. No one said a word, but the hot air was brittle. As though it might shatter at any moment.
Chapter Twenty
Once seated in front of her meal, Clarice still felt as though her life was on the precipice of crashing down. The chicken was tasteless to her, the veg lifeless, and even the perfect potatoes and Yorkshire puddings were hard to swallow.
The conversation had moved quickly on from what Trig had been doing the last few months because he’d simply shrugged and said, “I can’t tell you.” Instead, Jenny chatted about a trip to South Africa she and Benjamin were planning. Safari seemed to be top of the agenda, that and cage diving with sharks which sounded damn dangerous.
Clarice had enough danger of her own to contend with. Parker’s jaw was rigid, and he’d barely said a word as they’d eaten. Hugh kept setting his attention on her, seemingly trying to read her thoughts. One thing was for certain, they were both pissed at her, which was never a good thing for her rear.
She kept her head down, ate, replied politely when spoken to. Of all the bad luck. Sure, she’d had her fair share of one-night stands. But for her last one to be her new stepbrother, that was just typical. And the fact it had been hot as hell really didn’t help.
“Everyone finished?” she asked as soon as cutlery was placed straight.
“It was lovely, Clarice, thank you.” Benjamin smiled her way.
“I had help.” She stood and started collecting plates.
Hugh and Parker also began clearing.
“I’ll get the trifle,” Hugh said. “Hope that’s okay with everyone.”
“Actually,” Jenny said, standing, “I think we’ll take our leave.” She rubbed her right temple. “I’ve got a headache coming on. Shouldn’t have had that wine really. A migraine was threatening this morning.”
“Mom, you don’t have to have trifle, you could have some ice cream. There’s some in the freezer.”
“No, sweetheart, it’s okay. We’ll head home. I’ll take some pills and lie down with a little Vivaldi then I’ll be right as rain.”
“Are you sure?” Clarice asked.
Benjamin stood and placed his hand on Jenny’s shoulder. “You know what her headaches are like, they have to be nipped in the bud. Vivaldi always helps.”
Clarice nodded. The truth was, Jenny used headaches to get out of doing something she didn’t want to do. Always had. Clarice had no idea when she was telling the truth about them or how much pain they gave her if she did suffer.
“Of course.” Clarice wiped her hands on a tea towel. “Makes sense.” Although it did mean she’d have to face her own music much sooner.
Within a few minutes, Jenny and Benjamin had gushed their goodbyes and left the apartment.
The sudden silence seemed to press in on Clarice, and she turned on the faucet to fill the sink, glad of the noise and the distraction of a task.
“That can wait.” Parker switched the flow of water off.