Page 97 of Stepbrothers

“It needs doing,” she said, reaching for it.

“No.” He blocked her arm. “Leave it.”

“What needs doing…” Hugh leaned his ass against the island and curled his fingers over the marble, “is you giving us an explanation to what is going on.”

“Nothing is going on.”

“Don’t lie.” Parker frowned. “You’ve been acting very strange this last hour or so.”

“And we want to know why.” Hugh raised his eyebrows. “Now.”

Her stomach knotted, and she glanced at Trig. He was standing at the floor-to-ceiling window, staring out over the city. His ass was seriously cute in his faded jeans, and he should definitely be buying the next size up in t-shirts.

“Come on.” Parker put his hands on his hips and frowned at her. “Spill.”

“I, er…” She wrung her hands through a tea towel and shifted from one foot to the other. “Well…”

“Tell them.” Trig turned around and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Tell them about us.”

“What did you say?” Parker spun to him, his brow creasing.

“Explain.” Hugh gripped the counter so tight his knuckles paled.

“Clarice can explain.” Trig nodded at her, his features set like stone. “Can’t you.”


“Come on,” Parker said. “Tell us about you and Trig.”

“There is no me and Trig,” she said. She threw the tea towel to one side. “Not any more at least. It was a one-night thing. Ages ago and—”

“Not that long ago.” Trig raised his eyebrows. “The scratch marks have only just healed.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Her cheeks heated. He was right. She had gotten carried away during one particularly intense orgasm.

“Jesus Christ.” Hugh’s lips were a thin line. “You have to be kidding me.”

“It didn’t mean anything,” she said quickly, “and—”

“Thanks, honey, and here was me thinking I was special.” Trig looked from Parker to Hugh then back to Parker. A curious flash crossed his eyes.

“It was before I knew you guys,” she said, rubbing the spot on her neck where Trig had left a hickey. “So what’s the harm?”

“It was him who…” Parker touched his own neck. “Gave you that…when we first met you and—”

“Hold on one fucking minute.” Trig held up his hands and took a step forward. He pointed at Parker. “I’ve seen that expression on you before.” He gestured to Hugh. Paused. “And you. Oh, for fuck’s sake.”

“What the hell’s the matter now?” Parker asked.

“You’re screwing her.” Trig clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. “Both of you. Both of you are screwing her.”

Hugh’s face darkened, and he glared at Trig.

“Yep, that dopey fucking way you looked at her during dinner, Hugh,” Trig said, “and Parker, always at her side. So concerned to what is going on. And hell…” He paused, kind of laughed. “It’s not like you haven’t shared a woman before.”

“That was different,” Hugh said.

“Of course it was. Rachel wasn’t your stepsister.”