Page 72 of Stepbrothers

“I don’t know.” Clarice shrugged.

“You haven’t met her? She wasn’t at the wedding? Can’t be very serious then.” She grinned suddenly. “Perhaps I’ll have another go. Pester power and all that.”

“No.” Clarice had spoken harsher than she’d meant to.

Wendy frowned.

“I just mean…best to leave him. Being faithful is a good quality, right?”

“I couldn’t agree more, just seems to be something the male of the species has a massive problem doing. And if they can’t do it, can’t be trusted, why should I? Especially when I’m horny.” She waggled her eyebrows. “I like a challenge, too.”

“So…tell me…how is your new job going?”

Wendy appeared slightly surprised by the sudden change in subject. “Well…er…yes, good, thanks for asking. The workload is pretty intense, but the people are nice, and the office…” She blew out a breath. “It’s really cool. Got a terrace area, kitchen with one of those living walls, and get this, an office cat.”

“An office cat?”

“Yep, Jasper, he’s a cutie.” She picked up her phone, scrolled, showed Clarice a photo of a tabby with a black patch on one eye.

“Nice.” Clarice smiled.

“So tell me, what’s the other brother like? The fireman.”


“Yeah. Is he single?”


“You don’t know?” Wendy’s eyes widened. “How can you not know?”

“It’s not that, it’s just…”

“What? Spit it out.” Her eyes flashed with curiosity.

“Oh, for god’s sake.” Clarice looked left and right. It felt like she was being interrogated. Heck, she was. And she didn’t like it one bit. She also didn’t like having secrets from her best friend.

“What is going on?” Wendy put her hand over Clarice’s, her tone much softer. “You’re worrying me. You’re quite pale, and it’s not like you not to come out on a Saturday night.”

“There’s no need to worry.”

“I’ll need more information than that to stop.”

Clarice’s throat was tight. As if words, so many words, confessions, truths were stacking up in her mouth and she was forcing them to stay in, hidden. “Me and Hugh…the fireman…” She paused, wondering whether to mention Parker’s name as well but decided against it. “We…he…together we…”

“Spit it out?”

“We hooked up, okay. He’s hot.”

“What?” Wendy’s mouth hung open. “You hooked up?”

“Yeah.” Heat rose on Clarice’s cheeks, and her throat tightened.

“As in…you kissed?”

“Well that and…”

“Fuck! You fucked.” She leaned forward, eyes narrowed. “He’s your brother. You fucked your brother. That’s depraved.”