Clarice mooched around the apartment. She read for a while, sprawled on the large sofa. Then she made a smoothie. A flick through Netflix wasn’t inspiring, so she picked up her phone.
A message from Wendy.
Hey, chick, what you up to tonight? Wanna hit the town with me and Sharon?
Clarice stared at it. Once upon a time she wouldn’t have considered any answer other than ‘Hell yeah!’ But not now. Now she wanted to spend time with Parker and Hugh. And the thought of going out on the pull, shacking up with a guy whose name she wouldn’t remember, just didn’t have the appeal it used to have.
Sorry. Got plans. How about a drink now? Catch up.
Ah, that’s a shame. It’s a full moon, it’s gonna be wild out there tonight. Meet in thirty mins at Jeffs?
Yep. See ya then xxx
Jeff’s was a trendy café bar that spilled out onto the cobbled street. The bright-orange canopy matched the chairs and the little pots of fake flowers on each table.
Wendy was already there, waiting. A bottle of white wine in a chrome cooler sat on the table, as did two full glasses.
“Hey,” she said, standing to kiss Clarice’s cheek. “It’s good to see you. You’ve been AWOL lately.”
“Sorry about that.” She smiled and sat. Took a sip of wine.
“Things have been crazy, what with the wedding and taking on a new family, right?” Wendy giggled. “Sexy new family.”
“Yes, something like that.” Clarice paused, not quite sure how to respond to her friend’s comment. “And I’ve been busy with something else, too. Something I’ve been meaning to do for ages.”
“Oh, do tell.” Wendy leaned forward, her hair sliding over her shoulders.
“I’ve applied to do my teacher training. Hopefully, if all goes well, this coming academic year.” She paused. “Which is not very far away.”
“Wow, that’s amazing.” Wendy shook her head and grinned. “I thought you were all talk and no action on that one.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, you’ve been going on about it for three years.”
Had she? That long? Yes, she guessed she had. Why? It hadn’t been hard to do. Not really.
“So what changed, Clarice? What made you apply now?”
“Just…you know. I saw things clearly, working for Derek is shit, and it’s not as if it’s a career that’s going anywhere. It’s now or never, that sort of thing. And it’s always been my dream.”
“Cheers to that. I’m thrilled for you.” Wendy clinked her glass against Clarice’s. “And what does your hunky new brother think of that?”
“Stepbrother.” Clarice swallowed. “He’s pleased, obviously.”
“I dropped him a message, you know.” Wendy sat back and folded her arms, drummed her fingers on her biceps.
“He said it was lovely to meet me but he’s in a relationship.”
“He did? He said that?”
“Yep.” She pressed her lips together. “The good ones are always taken. Crying shame, that.” Wendy paused. “So what’s she like?”
“Parker’s girlfriend, duh.”