I walked out, closing the door behind me, my heart racing at the speed of light.

I didn’t know what would happen or if this was good or bad. The only thing I could do right now was just hope for the best and expect the worst to happen. if things got bad…I’d figure it out when the time came.

For now, I counted my blessings. I was almost fired, but by the skin of my teeth, I somehow made it past the chopping block.

Chapter 4: Aaron

HavingMcKenzienearmefascinated me. I wondered how much things had changed in all those years.

I still had to monitor her, and as her boss, I needed to make sure that she did everything right. But still, I wondered what as well might happen next and everything that came with it.

I was fascinated, curious about it all, and ready to face the truth and see just how good she was at her job.

The next day, McKenzie knocked on my door. I walked over to it, opened it up, and there she was. McKenzie wore black shirt and slacks, looking me up and down.

“All right, I’m here. Where’s the paperwork,” she said.

“Follow me,” I said.

We went over to a small room attached to my office, and I opened the door. Inside was a series of files.

“What’s…all this?”

I gestured to the files, dating back almost a year. “The files that you’re going to help me with coding.”

She nodded. “Very well. I didn’t expect…this much of a backlog.”

“That’s because currently, the hospital is so busy that the administrative team is taking care of patients and doesn’t have enough time to work on this. So, we’ve been trying to get some reliable coders, but they’ve been…mediocre at best,” I explained.

The last couple even went so far as to almost embezzle money from the insurance companies. I didn’t know how they managed to do this, but they did, and it was a mess. But now that I had someone doing the job for me, it would make this shit much more manageable, that was what I presumed.

“I see. That makes sense,” she said.

“You have a big job here, McKenzie. Don’t screw this up,” I admonished.

She nodded. “I wasn’t planning on it, Aaron.”

I watched her go to the shelves, grabbing the first file that she saw.

“No! not those,” I snapped.

She turned to me, rolling her eyes. “Okay, then which one then? Since you’re clearly not liking the way that I’m doing things, despite putting me in charge.”

I looked at her, sighing in frustration. “McKenzie, if you spent two minutes looking around the place, you would’ve seen that you should start with the other side. Those are the oldest and also where the most important billing statements are. We need those done now.”

She rolled her eyes. “I was going to get to those. Maybe if you didn’t overreact for a couple of seconds, you would’ve seen what I was doing.”

Her attitude needed a little bit of work.

McKenzie went over to the files I told her to go to, and then I saw she had grabbed a couple of other files. Then, she started working on them, not saying another word to me.

I went back to my office, writing down a couple of things. Then, after about an hour, she brought a couple of files there.

“All right, so these are done. I have the billing and coding pinpointed. I think that we should get these out today,” she explained.

“I see. Here’s the login information. Put it in there,” I ordered.

I wrote it down on a piece of paper, giving it back to her.