She stared at it, nodding. “Very well. Got it.”

She marched back to the other part of the office, almost closing the door but leaving open a crack.

I did like the way those pants hugged her tight ass, but I also could barely tolerate this bitch’s attitude. McKenzie was something else, all right.

I watched her work in the other office, not saying anything to me other than bringing a couple of pieces over, and telling me that they were done. When she slammed them on the counter, I nodded.

“Thank you, McKenzie. You don’t need to slam things, though,” I told her.

‘Well, I don’t see you telling me how to do or not do things,” she replied.

I grimaced. “I know you love working under me, but I’m not going to argue with you. Just get the job done, and don’t ask questions.”

“Trust me, that was my plan all along.”

She disappeared back into her office, where she worked for the rest of the night. I made my rounds, checking on the rest of the hospital, and then I went back to the office. By the time I got there, McKenzie had pulled about ten folders already, doing all of the billing and coding for them.

Guess she was dependable after all.

She spent the next couple of days doing pretty much the same things. Between petty arguments about folders and her sassing me, I thought about firing her at least three times.

There was one instance where she put the wrong folder back before she was finished, and she didn’t complete the entire billing for it.

“You have to be more careful,” I chided.

“I know, but you’re also not my dad,” she muttered.

“I’m your boss. Clearly a little more important than just some father figure,” right now.

She stared at me as if to test my patience, and then she sighed.

“Whatever. Anyways, I’m going to finish this up. We’re getting there a little bit,” she said.

“Yeah, we are. But you have to work faster and better,” I admonished.

“Yeah, I’m trying. This is tedious, especially since some of these people have an insane medical history. How come nobody took care of this beforehand?” she said.

I scoffed. “With a hospital like this, there is only so much you can do, McKenzie.”

She rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything further. We continued working together, albeit neither of us wanted to say much to the other person. Then, about a week later, I went to the archives.

About a tenth of the folders were billed correctly and coded. It was a tedious job but seeing that McKenzie got through all that so quickly was…shocking. It made me wonder how she got this skilled.

She turned to me, smiling. “Like it?”

I stared at her face. She had that cute, dimpled smile I couldn’t get enough of. Then, finally, she finished typing out something, standing up.

“Yes. You’ve done well, McKenzie. I’m impressed,” I told her.

“Thanks, Aaron. This is a lot. I wouldn’t mind at least a little bit of help, but it sure beats answering the phones,” she replied.

I agreed with her there. Dr. Bachor took care of the phones for the most part when he wasn’t seeing patients, and I got reports that he was much more personable than McKenzie was.

Which, of course, meant something, I suppose.

“Well, thank you for all of the hard work that you’ve done, McKenzie. I’m happy to see how far you’ve taken on this project. You’ve done well,” I told her.

She blushed but then nodded. “Thank you, Aaron. I’m not sure if I’m doing it right but hearing your encouragement has helped to say the least.”