I can hear their voices getting closer as they talk, Mikhail reassuring Pietro, and I hide behind the door. The door opens, and a beautifully dressed woman walks in carrying a tray. She pauses when she sees the sofa has moved closer to the door. I lunge and grab her from behind, holding the shard to her throat.
She screams, and I press the glass into her throat. “Shut up. I will slit your throat right here, right now.”
She whimpers, and I turn her around as guards rush into the room, pointing their guns at me. I glare at them. “Get out. Back right up outside the hallway where I can see, or she dies.”
She’s clearly someone important, maybe a wife or sister because the guards keep their guns on me but back up.
“If anyone tries anything, I just slit her throat. I don’t care,” I shout, guiding the woman out of the room.
The guards continue to back up as I slowly move forward until I see the stairs. Mikhail appears from around the corner and holds up his hands. “Shirley, let her go.”
“Why? Is she Pietro’s sister? Is he worried I’ll hurt his family?” I’m being snarky.
Mikhail lowers his hands. “His wife, actually. Come now, we don’t want to fight with you. We didn’t bring you here to hurt you, not at all. In fact, I have a brilliant business proposition for you and your families, and I think if we can just sit down and work out all the details, you’ll see how advantageous it is to everyone.”
I give a short laugh. “Not a fuck. I know what your plan is, and I’m not marrying you, Mikhail. I won’t betray my family. There’s nothing you can offer after what you’ve done that will keep peace in New York. Not even my life.”
It was a mistake to focus on him. I don’t see the movement out of the corner of my eye until it is too late, and the guard grabs me. I release the woman and spin around, slashing through the guard's face. Blood splatters all over me, the floor, and the walls. In the chaos, I run down the hallway, pushing through the surprised guards. Yup, I did that. Women can get ass as well.
The only one who isn’t surprised is Mikhail, who catches me by the arm and throws me against the wall. I hit it hard with my back and head, and instinctively, my hands fly to my belly to protect it from any blows.
Mikhail stares at me and then laughs. “Oh, you are fucking kidding me.”
He shakes his head. “I’m kind of disappointed. I didn’t think you’d fuck him again. Clearly, you are a sucker for punishment if you’re willing to have his child.”
I ooze anger, and I narrow my eyes. “Let me go before he burns down the world to kill you.”
Mikhail grabs my throat and pushes me against the wall. “Why would I do that? The second in command of the most powerful Russian family in New York won’t dare touch me if I have a gun to the head of the woman carrying his child.”
I shake my head, my hands scratching at the hand holding my throat. I try to kick out at him, but using his free hand, he slaps me. It stings, but I return my angry glare at him, trying to get him to let me go. “You’re choking me. I’m no use to you dead.”
“That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said since we’ve brought you in.” He lightens the pressure around my neck.
I am tempted to spit in his face, but my thoughts are on my tiny sesame seed. I don’t want to miscarry. This situation has just cemented how much I want my child.
He lets go of me completely. “If you move, I’ll rip that little Russian bastard out of you through your stomach.”
I believe him, and I sniff. I won’t cry. I won’t give him that satisfaction. I’ve been taken before, and he doesn’t fucking scare me. In fact, I smile evilly. Mikhail looks taken aback and says to me, “What are you smiling for?”
“You understand who I am, right?” I say.
“You’re the little orphan that the Sorvino family took pity on,” his remark is snide.
I shake my head. “I’m not like Alessandro’s sister. Iamhis sister. He considers me his family, blood or not. I’m also in charge of the Sorvino family's West Coast territories. No, I don’t help,” my smile broadens. “My brother works under me. I apparently have a business mind. Also, the man whose child I’m carrying may seem old or soft or whatever you think. But I know something you don’t.”
I see a flash of emotion in Mikhail’s eyes. I’m not sure if it’s fear or irritation, but I continue, “He’s wanted by eight international agencies for crimes against humanity, but no one in their right mind would take him in. He is second in command of America's most powerful Russian family.”
Mikhail snorts, “Spare me the accolades.”
I shake my head. “You attacked two fucking powerful families and pissed off their ruthless leaders, siblings, and cousins. You’ve also pissed me off. Be careful how you treat me, Mikhail, because I know for a fact they will find you here or anywhere you hide me. They will find you and the only thing that will spare your life is if I intervene.”
He smirks, but as he’s about to respond, there’s an explosion downstairs, but outside. The mansion rocks, and we hold our hands out to steady ourselves.
Mikhail looks at me, his eyes wide, and that’s definitely fear.
“I told you,” I say smugly. “Don’t touch what isn’t yours.”
“Well, at least I have a safety net,” he growls. He grabs me by my hair and uses me to shield himself. I wince as he yanks my hair but pulls out a gun, forcing me to walk forward and down the stairs, his gun stabbing into my side.