“We’re getting out of here, and maybe you will survive this,” he hisses in my ear. “Maybe you don’t. The only thing standing between you and your death is my decision, so I would be careful how brazen you’re feeling.”

We make it down the stairs, and then he drags me. I cry out as he pulls me along and out the back door of the kitchen.

Chapter 26 - Evgenii

I walk straight up to the door as gunfire rains down from the various guards at the windows of the mansion. I walk right up to the front door and kick it with all my strength, raising the guns in my hand as it flies open, and I start killing everyone I can see.

Alessandro and three other guards come in with me and start taking out the guards on the ground floor. There are more rushing to help, but more of our men enter. Some are circling the house to trap everyone in the place.

“Shirley?” I shout over the gunfire, hoping she can hear me. My foot is on the first step of the staircase when I hear a distant shriek, “Evgenii.”

It’s from downstairs, so I hurry to where I thought it came from. “Shirley?”

“Fuck you,” I hear Mikhail shout, I’m guessing he tried to cover Shirley’s mouth, and she bit him.

“Evgenii,” she shrieks again. “Out back.”

I run, not sure what I’m going to run into, but I have to get to her before Mikhail does something terrible to her. I find the kitchen and see the open back door. I run to it, glancing out to see what guards are out there and if I can see where Shirley is so I don’t accidentally shoot her.

I don’t see any guards, our men have probably preoccupied them, but I see Mikhail trying to push Shirley roughly into an idling car. I step outside, my guns trained on him.

“Give it up, Mikhail,” I shout, walking purposefully toward him. “It’s over.”

He points the gun at Shirley and smirks. “Put your gun down, or I’ll kill her.”

He has me there. I see Shirley look at me and nod, and I slowly lower my gun with a smile.

Mikhail snorts, “Idiot.”

He moves to point the gun in my direction and shoot, but as soon as his guard is down, Shirley kicks him in the crotch, grabs his arm, and hits his elbow up so that he loses grip of the gun. She grabs the gun and shoots him in the leg.

Mikhail screams, looking up at Shirley with desperation in his eyes. She inclines her head to the right. “I told you how this would end.”

Before he can protest, I watch her shoot him in the head without hesitation. I quickly make my way over to her, gather her in my arms, and gently lower her to the ground. “Stay low so you don’t get shot. You’re going to follow me, okay? I’m going to get you out of here safely.”

She nods, and I take her hand. “Stay low.” I know I’m repeating myself, but I need to ensure her safety.

As we crouch and walk our way around the side of the house, we hear tires squealing, and a car comes tearing out from the back garage. We watch it as it drives past, and Shirley looks at me. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Do you have to tell me right now?” I ask, looking around.

“Yes,” she says with a frown. “Because it's fucking ridiculous that the brother behind this is Pietro, not the eldest.”

I look at her, surprised. “Well, I suppose he was the easiest to manipulate. Now, if you don’t mind, we have a situation here.”

I raise my gun and shoot one of the Pacheco men in the head as he comes around the corner.

We manage to sneak past the rest of the war without any more hindrance and get Shirley into one of our vehicles. There’s a moment, just a moment, as we look at each other. I kiss her deeply. I thought I was going to lose her, and I swear from now on, I’ll kiss her like every moment is our last.

When we part, she buckles up, and I start the car and race towards the exit of the property that we blew up. I dial Ivan once we’re a distance away.

“Alessandro says he saw you got her out,” Ivan says without greeting me. “Are you satisfied?”

I swallow. “She’s fine. They took more losses, I think.”

“Who was there?” he asks. I hear glass clinking and know he’s having a celebratory shot.

“Shirley says the culprits were Mikhail along with Pietro Pacheco. Shirley dusted Mikhail, and Pietro got away in a vehicle,” I explain as I glance at Shirley. She’s closed her eyes, and it looks like she’s trying to relax.