I glance at Ivan as he stands up and buttons his suit jacket. “Alessandro can gather his men and go to the Pacheco mansion. It’s barely protected because they’re so remote. Also, they don’t think we know, so they won’t expect an assault of any kind. If I were a gambling man, I would bet that is where Shirley is being held. Carmine, Evgenii, and Dominic can take some of my men and go pay back the Pacheco family for their kindness by attacking the biggest drug-distributing houses that belong to them. Kill anyone who's armed. We will send a message that our families are not to be trifled with.”

He looks at Alessandro, who nods. “Except I doubt Evgenii wants to go anywhere but the Pacheco mansion.”

He’s right. I want to be in on that, and I want to get Shirley back. I look at Ivan, who nods. “Don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment.”

Alessandro smirks as he stands next to Ivan. “Oh, I have no doubt Evgenii will kill every last person in that house.”

I look at them, clenching my jaw. “Do you have weapons?”

Alessandro chuckles. “Do I have weapons?”

He starts walking, followed by Ivan and the others. I follow. He leads us out the back door and toward a large building. There are three on the property that I can see from where I’m standing. The other two buildings look like cottages, so probably family members that live here. The third looks like a vast storage unit with guards surrounding it. A guard scans a card, and his fingerprint and the big garage door rolls up.

The lights come on automatically as we walk into what is definitely an armory stocked well enough for a small city coup.

Alessandro holds his arms open. “Bags are in the back with the body armor. Tech will be provided from another location by Carmine. Help yourselves, except for that little enclosure in the back. That is my personal collection.”

Ivan and I curiously walk over to see some fast-action revolvers, somewhat over-the-top-looking guns, and Ivan chuckles. “Not bad. You should come to my compound sometime. I’ll give you a tour of our stock.”

We spread out, and I pick up a bag, and after selecting several handguns, I start loading the bag with ammo. Then I load the guns and put them in the holsters I secure to my body.

When I’m done, I walk to the entrance, where most of the team is waiting for me. Alessandro raises an eyebrow. “You really are going to kill everyone in that mansion.”

I nod thoughtfully. “Every person there knows Shirley is being held captive, possibly being hurt. They all will pay for not having a part in freeing her.”

We walk out of the storage building that starts to lock up.

I’m coming, Shirley.

Chapter 25 - Shirley

Earlier in the morning

I sit on the sofa, waiting and listening. I got tired of standing with my ear to the door with nothing happening. I was prepared, though. I’d moved the sofa with some difficulty closer to the door so I could be up quickly and startle them, maybe slash them across their face and make a run for it. I don’t know if I’ll make it, but I’m a Sorvino, and I’ll be damned if I don’t go down fighting.

Although a part of me can’t believe Pietro is behind this, at the same time, I’m not that surprised. Ettore was giving up everything his family had worked for because he wanted a quiet retirement and didn’t trust his sons, so Pietro retaliated.

It dawns on me that he’s probably orchestrated all the attacks around the city against the two families. I know everyone is worried about the power Alessandro and Ivan wield, but I wouldn’t expect a family as small as the Pachecos to form an attack. Clearly, they attacked Ettore to get him out of the way before any deals could be signed.

No. I’ve heard people speak about Pietro and seen him at events. This is too out there for him. He’s too meek, too much of a follower. Ettore was right. His sons cannot lead the family because they aren’t suited to be leaders.

There’s something more to the story that I’m missing, and I don’t like it. That’s when I hear voices. They’re close, but I have to go to the door to hear what they are saying. From the couch, one voice sounds familiar, but I can’t place it. Now that I can hear two men speaking, I recognize the voices perfectly.

It’s Pietro.

With Mikhail.

Evgenii was right all along. Mikhail is behind everything, and honestly, it makes the most sense. Mikhail is a cunning leader who would use anyone as a pawn to get what he wants.

I listen carefully, they’re not close, but I can make out what they’re saying if I don’t breathe too loudly.

“What if the Sorvino or Volkov families retaliate? What would we do? We don’t have the manpower or arms to defend ourselves. We’re a drug-orientated family, not weapons. I feel like we’ve made a mistake.” I smirk and think, yes, you have Pietro.

Mikhail chuckles. “You stress too much, Pietro. I have a simple plan that will ensure that the families don’t retaliate. Shirley will marry me, which will tie our families through marriage. They’re Catholic. They don’t cross those lines. The problem with those two is that they are old school and follow the ridiculous honor codes laid out by the ancestors who smuggled their families into this great nation.”

I glower because, firstly, not a fuck am I marrying this asshole, and secondly, he does not get to talk about the head of my family that way.

It’s quiet momentarily, and then Pietro says, “I don’t think that will work. They’ll bump you off and consider it a win. I don’t think you’ve thought this through, Mikhail.”