My heart beats harder, and sweat forms on my face.

Donald, the detective, puts a hand on my back. “Don’t worry, I’ve made sure the case is getting no press, and the file will be conveniently lost. You don’t have to stress about anything. I owe you for getting my ass out of the fire last year.”

I nod mutely and say, “I should go so you can do your job.”

I don’t want to tell him about Shirley.

But I need to find her.

Chapter 23 - Shirley

Earlier in the Morning

As the car pulls out of the property, I tap Konstantin’s shoulder. “There’s an appointment I have before my meeting with Alessandro. Just my yearly check-up with my gynecologist.”

He nods, and I give him the address I’ve memorized off my phone. Dr. Green is not my usual gynecologist because, of course, she is on the West Coast, but I need to do my first proper scan of the baby and start learning what I’m in for.

I know I need to decide whether I’m telling Evgenii or if Alessandro has something to say about it, but I will deal with that after the Staten Island deal is finalized.

Konstantin waits for me in the lobby as I take the elevator to the third floor. After filling in the usual new patient forms and waiting a while, the receptionist, Fiona, leads me into a room.

“You can change here. Everything you need is there. The doctor will come in five minutes to assist you,” she smiles and goes out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

I get undressed and into the gown they’ve provided. I leave just my socks on.

Dr. Green is lovely and very calming. I actually think she’s nicer than my doctor back home. She does the scan and shows me the tiny sesame seed that is my baby.

She talks me through pre-natal care and how I must schedule my appointments for what weeks. She also gives me a lot of reading material, and I am grateful.

After seeing me off and getting dressed, I pay Fiona for the consultation and put the reading material in my purse. I don’t want Konstantin to see it.

As I step out of the elevator, I’m surprised to see Mikhail walking into the lobby. I’m also instantly suspicious. Mikhail seems surprised to see me as he walks over. “Shirley, such a pleasure to see you on your feet.”

“Thank you, recovery is going well,” I say, glancing at Konstantin, watching us like a hawk.

“You must come past my condo sometime. I breed peacocks and would love to take you on a tour of my bird sanctuary I’m slowly filling.” He flashes me a charming smile, and I return it.

“Oh, no, sorry. I’m allergic to birds,” I lie. “But perhaps another time, maybe for coffee.”

“You have my number,” he walks away from me, and I hurry to Konstantin so we can leave.

I can’t relax. I know in my gut that seeing Mikhail was not an accident, and I consider phoning Evgenii or Alessandro. I glance behind us and see a sedan with dark-tinted windows pull into traffic rather suddenly, right behind us.

As we slowly move through traffic, I keep an eye on them before my nerves get the best of me. “I think we’re being followed.”

Konstantin nods. “We are. I didn’t want to alarm you. We’re going back to the house where there are more guards to provide backup.”

I nod, settling back. I’m still uneasy but glad Evgenii’s men are organized.

He weaves through traffic until we’re at a good cruising speed, driving straight to the house. The sedan doesn’t relent, staying on our tail. I’m worried they will try pushing us off the road or worse.

I can see the gates are open as soon as we turn into the road, and Konstant swears under his breath. I gasp as we realize our mistake too late.

Evgenii’s guards are shooting at enemies as we pull in. The sedan pulls in behind us, blocking us in. Konstantin shouts, “Stay in the car.”

“No, don’t go,” I shout. I would prefer he bashed his way back into the street, but he gets out of the car, gun in hand, and a bullet flies through his head. Blood and brains splatter everywhere.

I stay low as I slide out of the car, hoping to get somewhere safe before anyone sees me. I crawl toward the plants that line the garden, hoping I can hide there when someone suddenly grabs me from behind and pulls me into the sedan. I try to fight off the assailant, but cloth is placed firmly over my mouth, and I know what’s next.