Complete darkness.

I groan in pain as my head pounds. I can’t seem to place what’s happening. I’m lying on something soft. I dry heave and sit up at the same time, but I don’t open my eyes. I still feel like I’m spinning, and I breathe deeply through my nose and out my mouth. I shiver and blink my eyes open.

“I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well from being sedated, it really isn’t the most pleasant thing to wake up from, and I do apologize if you were scared of the attack on Mr. Volkov’s property.”

I look up to see a young, rather gaunt man standing next to a fireplace, looking at the fire as though making sure it’s doing its job.

I recognize him instantly. His name is Pietro Pacheco, Ettore’s youngest son.

“You see, I didn’t appreciate that my father thinks he can just hand off the family business to another family becausehethinks his children can’t handle it. Then he still expects us to work for whatever family he chooses, as though we haven’t worked hard enough helping him build his little….island.”

I frown and put a hand on my stomach. “Pietro, even if you have to work for another family, if you work hard enough, and I’m sure you will, you’ll rise in rank as well.”

“No one born outside of a family ever rises that high in rank,” he spits. “If you’re not blood, you’re nothing.”

I shake my head, then stop because it makes me want to heave again. “That’s bullshit. I wasn’t born into the Sorvino family, and now I run the entire West Coast and all territories the family controls there. I’m not blood, but they treat me like I’m family. It’s loyalty they reward, not birthright.”

Pietro scoffs. “I won’t deny that the Sorvino family does seem to have a soft spot for you, which is why I’m going to hold you hostage. I’m sure if you’re as important as you say, they won’t take issue with meeting my demands.”

“Pietro, I wouldn’t challenge the Sorvino family, especially because they’re united with the Volkov and Rossi families.” I stare at him. “They will end you.”

Pietro chuckles and sighs. “Oh, Shirley, no. See, I have also united with another family, and they are just as interested as I am in bringing down this little coalition that deems themselves the overseers of all families. Alessandro and Ivan will be brought to their knees.”

I’m feeling better, but I don’t move. I don’t want to give him an excuse to hurt me and my baby that he doesn’t know about.

He looks at the watch on his arm and nods. “Right, I have to go. I’m afraid I’m going to lock you in here. I don’t want you wandering around and getting out. Don’t worry, though. I’ll send you something to eat and drink to settle your stomach.”

I’m not sure what look he’s aiming for with his pained, forced smile, but he does stride out of the room. I hear the lock clicking in place.

I move carefully so as not to trigger my gag reflex, and I test the windows. They’re all sealed shut, but I notice even if I could open them, I’m on at least the third story of a huge mansion. I can’t see many houses around so we must be away from the city center.

I look around for something I can use as a weapon, but there aren’t many choices. There are a lot of paintings, and I consider breaking the canvas of one to get the wood out to use as a sort of club, but I feel like it won’t do much damage.

I need something sharp, but if I break a window, I’m sure someone will hear. I doubt he just left me here. He probably has guards outside my room.

I look around again, and my eyes fall on a wide-brimmed vase. I look at the scatter cushions on the sofa, and I go to them, pulling a cushion out of its cover. I put the vase inside the cover and put it on the floor. I gingerly step on the vase to break it within the cushion and wait to see if anyone heard the noise.

I pick up the cushion and take out a long jagged piece of glass.

I sit down and rip up the cloth from another cushion, it’s hard, and my arms ache, but adrenaline courses through my veins.

I use the strips to wrap around the base of the glass so that I can wield it without cutting my hand, at least not badly.

I’m not sure if this is going to do, but it really is the only option I have. I go to wait by the door, listening carefully for footsteps. I try to steady my breathing and remember what Evgenii’s breath sounded like in my ear in bed and a pit forms in my stomach.

I shake off the thoughts and steady myself. I might be standing here awhile. I press my ear to the wooden door and listen with everything I have for the footsteps of anyone coming to this room.

Chapter 24 - Evgenii

As Gregori drives from the property, I call Ivan’s phone. He doesn’t answer, it just rings. I tell Gregori to head for his house, he’s probably not near his phone or trying to arrange something.

When we pull up to the house, I run inside and nearly bowl Tori over. “Evgenii, what’s wrong?”

I am frantic as I say, “Shirley’s been kidnapped. I need Ivan to give me men to go find her.”

Tori’s eyes widen. “He isn’t here. He said he had a meeting.”

“Did he say where?” I ask, running a hand through my hair. I can’t think straight. I know it’s that fucking Mikhail who's behind this. Even if Ivan doesn’t believe me, I can’t rule him out as the most likely suspect.