Page 4 of Nightmare

I shove to my feet, releasing Braithe, and scurry toward the gun. Closing my fingers around it, I turn to where Bill was last standing and run. I run through the trees, bellowing his name, wanting nothing more than to see him suffer. To see him go down. To force him to tell the truth. But as minute after minute ticks by, I can’t find him. Sweat trickles down my forehead, mixing with blood, and I can’t find a single trace of him. He’s hiding, I know he’s hiding.

Roaring with rage, I stop, closing my eyes, chest rising and falling with angry pants.

I have to help Braithe.

I turn and rush back to where I left him, and when I reach him, his eyes are closed. His chest isn’t moving. The shirt I was pressing against his wound is coated in blood. I drop to my knees and place my hands on his shoulders, shaking him, but there is no movement.

“Hey,” I yell, shaking him again. “Hey, wake up. Please, Braithe, wake up.”

He doesn’t move.

He’s not breathing.

I left him. I left him to seek my own justice, and now he’s not breathing.

Panic rises, and I begin CPR. Praying, just praying, he’ll be okay.

“Get your hands off that boy.”

A booming voice has me whipping around to see two police officers, guns pointed in my direction. Heart thudding in my chest, I put my hands up, staying on my knees. My vision blurs as the officer’s rush toward me, one of them slamming me down into the mud, forcing his knee into my back as he cuffs me. Through my hazy vision, I look at the boy beside me, and I know, I know even before they say it, that he’s gone.

He's gone, and I could have saved him.

I made a choice ... and it was the wrong one.


WESTERN AIKEN, A MEMBERof a local motorcycle club, has been arrested tonight for the murder of thirty-eight-year-old Daniel Gregory and his son, fifteen-year-old Braithe Gregory. At this point, all that is known is Aiken abducted the two, and proceeded to take them to local swampland where he murdered the father before shooting and attempting to assault the young teen. Police have Aiken in custody and are currently searching the swamp for more evidence. It is believed to be linked to a child trafficking operation that has been running in the foster system for the past two years.


TWO MORE BODIES HAVEbeen found in local swampland where two people were killed earlier this week. Police have yet to confirm, but it would appear the bodies are both victims of foul play and are said to be linked to the recent murder. Aiken, who has been apprehended, is refusing to speak, and at this stage is looking at spending a long time in prison for the murder of, what could possibly be, four people. Police are investigating the possible human trafficking connection, as they believe it is all somehow linked. Further details to come.


TONIGHT, POLICE HAVEconfirmed that the two bodies found in the swamp were indeed linked to the double homicide committed by local biker, Western Aiken. It would appear the swamp is a local dumping ground for the motorcycle club, and though they’re refusing to speak, an investigation is ongoing or their involvement in the crime. Families of the two people who were killed last week have spoken out, demanding the death penalty for the loss of their loved ones, most especially, the boy, who had only just turned fifteen.


WE HAVE RECEIVED NEWStonight that Western Aiken has been charged on two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of second-degree murder, one count of sexual assault, one count of kidnapping, and one count of tampering with evidence. He has been sentenced to twenty years in prison with the possibility of parole. The families of the victims are in an uproar and are seeking more justice for the victims, stating the sentence simply isn’t enough.

They want answers.

They want justice.

They want him to pay.

No matter the cost.