Twenty-ish Years Later – Bonnie
“Bonnie, can you comeinto my office please?”
Looking into the murky-green eyes of my boss, I purse my lips and hold my breath as I push to my feet, my chair squeaking as it rolls back. I was promised a new chair two years ago. I didn’t get it. Instead, I got promoted and promised an incredible career in journalism. They lied; thus far, all I’ve been allowed to cover is weather stories, occasional crimes, and fashion.
I hate fashion.
It's not who I am.
Not what I want to be.
Pete, my boss, turns without another word and walks into his oversized office with giant glass panels that present him to the entire office all day long. It doesn’t seem to bother him, and he spends most of his time staring out at us, eyes moving back and forth, ensuring we’re doing the best work possible. We could do the best work, if he allowed us to branch out sometimes.
Stepping into his office, I close the door. I’m not sure why, considering everyone can see me sitting down at his huge, timber desk. Do they know what’s about to happen? I sure as hell don’t, but I have my suspicions. Pete has been making “cuts” of late, and I have a feeling that I’m next on the list. The very thought has my chest clenching as I fumble my hands together in my lap and look over at him.
“Bonnie, thank you for coming in, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
I close my eyes, exhaling.
Here it comes.
Here. It. Comes.
“You know I value you, and you do some incredible work, but, lately, I’m noticing you’re not putting the same effort in that you used to. Gone is the passionate reporter I once knew, the one who would chase a story no matter the cost. What happened to her?”
Let me see? You took away all the stories I wanted, restricted how much I could look into, and stole the very spark from me.
Now you’re saying I’m not passionate.
I grit my teeth, taking a moment before I answer.
“When I became a reporter, I was passionate because I wanted to cover the things that mattered. I wanted to find the stories nobody else could get, I wanted to speak truths, I wanted to be incredible. I’m not passionate about the cases I cover because they’re not what I came into it for.”
Tipping his head to the side, Pete studies me. “We all have to start somewhere, Bonnie. Those are the things you work your way up to.”
“To be fair, Pete, you’ve been saying that for the last five years, and I’ve never been given the chance to do something amazing.”
He ponders this.
“You’re right, I haven’t let you spread your wings, which is why I’ve called you in here. I’m going to give you the chance to deliver an incredible story. If you do so, I will promote you and let you report on whatever it is you choose. If you don’t, then, Bonnie, I’m afraid I’ll have to let you go. We’re struggling as it is, I need someone who is going to bring fire back into the company. Are you up for the challenge?”
Of course I’m up for the challenge, this is what I’ve been waiting for since I got this job. It takes everything inside me not to let out a happy scream.
“You have no idea how up for the challenge I am,” I say, heart racing as I look at him with a new life.