“I’ll have to come to terms with telling Lucinda at some point. Just give me this weekend to figure it out. I’m sure that we can come up with something if we put our heads together.”

“I’m sure that we can,” he agreed. “So, we’re good?” he asked.

“We’re good,” she agreed. “Can I just ask you one favor?” she asked.

“Anything,” he offered.

“Can we take tonight slowly? I’ve waited a long time for this—for you and I don’t want to rush things.”

“Honey, we can go as quickly or as slowly as you’d like. I’ll leave that up to you, Journey,” he promised. Hearing him make her any promises made her tummy feel as though it was full of butterflies. She felt like a giddy schoolgirl, and she just couldn’t help it. She had waited so long for Ford, and she was finally getting her chance with him. Journey’s inner schoolgirl was jumping up and down like a damn cheerleader.


Hearing Journey say that she had been saving herself all these years for him made him crazy with lust. He had spent the entire ride from her apartment hard, and that was probably why he had nearly run a red light to get her back to his place. But hearing that she was a virgin and wanted to give herself to him—well, it took all of his willpower not to jump her in his truck. Journey deserved more than that. She deserved the promise that he made her to take their time tonight, even if it might just kill him.

Ford helped her into his townhouse and dropped her bag by the steps. “I’ll give you a tour,” he offered, noting the smirk on her face.

“That would be great, but you don’t have to come up with activities for us to do instead of heading up to your bedroom—I mean, if that’s where you want to have sex.”

“I know, but I promised to take things slow. I thought you’d want to know your way around here for the weekend,” he said. “As for where I’d like to have sex, the bedroom is fine with me, if that’s where you’ll be comfortable.”

“I guess that’s fine. I mean, I don’t have much experience with where I like to have sex, since I never had it before,” she said. Ford bit back his groan and she giggled. “I can’t figure out if you’re mad that I’m a virgin or okay with it.” Ford took a chance and grabbed her hand into his own, tugging it down to his cock. He loved the way that Journey slyly ran her fingers over his bulge. She had some idea of what to do with him and that completely turned him on.

“I’m more than okay with it,” Ford insisted. “The fact that you saved yourself for me turns me completely inside out with need. I want you so fucking bad right now, I’m going to split right out of my damn pants.”

“Ford,” she whispered. Journey groped his cock through his jeans and every caress made him want to push her against the wall and fuck her in his entryway. “Can I see you?” she asked.

“You’ll see all of me, honey, but first, I need to take care of you,” he said. “I want you ready to take me, Journey—all of me.” Her breath hitched and he knew that she was just as turned on by the whole scene as he was.

“How about we skip the tour for now, and you take me up to your bedroom, Ford? Maybe we could take things a little faster if you’re up for that.”

“I won’t rush you, Journey. I made you a promise,” he said.

“Please, Ford,” she whispered, “I want you.” He didn’t want her begging him for anything. He wanted to give Journey everything that she wanted and needed from him. Ford scooped her up into his arms and grabbed her bag on the way up his steps. He took them two at a time, causing her to giggle again. He always thought that her laugh was magical, but now, it turned him on.

He flicked on his bedroom light and carried her over to his bed, laying her across it. “You are so fucking beautiful,” he whispered. Ford looked her body over as if trying to decide what his first move should be. If she was any other woman, he’d have her naked and panting out his name by now, but Journey wasn’t like any other woman. If he had his way, she would be THE woman—the one he’d spend the rest of his life with. But he was getting ahead of himself and that wasn’t going to help with the nerves that he was suddenly feeling.

“Just love me, Ford,” she whispered, reaching for him as if picking up on all of his indecision.

“That’s all I want to do, I’m just worried that I’m going to blow it. I’ve waited for you too, Journey, in so many ways. I’ve wanted you for so long, even when it wasn’t right for me to want you.”

“You have?” she asked. He laid down next to her on the bed and she curled into his side. Ford knew that not giving her the whole truth after she told him hers, was something he couldn’t do.

“I have. I started noticing you when you were just a kid. God, that made me feel like a complete pervert, but I just couldn’t help myself. I was almost relieved when I joined the Army and went away so that I wouldn’t be hanging around here every day wishing for something that could never be. You were just a kid, Journey,” he said.

She framed his face with her hands and smiled, “I’m not a kid anymore, Ford. You’re only four years older than me. We both just needed to grow up a bit before this could happen,” she said.

“How did you get to be so wise?” he asked.

She giggled and pointed at herself, “College education at its finest,” she teased. “If it helps you to feel better, I wanted you back then too. When you left for the Army, all I could think about was you coming back for me. I had these fantasies that you’d come back to town, tell me that you couldn’t live without me, and take me away with you. How’s that for crazy?” she asked. It didn’t sound crazy to him at all. In fact, it sounded like a damn good plan right about now, especially with her boss stalking her the way that he was.

“It sounds perfect,” he breathed. “I just hope that’s something that you still want, honey because it’s exactly what I plan to do with you. I want you to be mine, Journey,” he admitted.

“Oh Ford, I’ve been yours for a long time now. I’m just done fighting with myself and ready to admit it,” she said. Hearing her promise him made him realize that he had been worrying for nothing. Ford rolled her under his body and kissed her like a starving man and when he finally let her up for air, to work his way down her body, he was sure that a more perfect woman had never existed. She responded to him as if she was made for him.

It didn’t take him long to get her naked and when he finally settled between her legs and looked up at her sexy body, he could tell that she was worried about what he was about to do to her next. Journey had closed her eyes so tightly that she looked like she was terrified.

“Open your eyes and look at me, baby,” he crooned. “I won’t hurt you. We can slow down if that’s what you need.” He hoped like hell that she didn’t ask him to do that though. His cock was screaming to be released to get inside of her.