“I’ve just never,” she breathed. He kissed his way up the inside of her thigh, and she moaned. “I don’t want you to stop, Ford,” she said, giving him the green light to move the rest of the way up her sexy curves. He settled between her legs and when he parted her wet folds to lick through them, Journey nearly bucked both of them off of the damn bed.

“Hold still, honey,” he said, holding her down with his body. “Can you be still for me?” he asked. Journey whimpered and nodded, and he was sure that it was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen in his life.

He loved watching her as she writhed on his bed for him, trying to hold still, as promised, but failing miserably. She was sexy as hell to watch and when she found her release, he nearly came in his damn pants. God, she was perfect, and all he wanted to do was make her his completely.

He stood from the bed, loving the way that she watched him through her sex-fueled haze as he stripped. Journey sat up and eagerly reached for his zipper and he backed away from her. “If I let you do that, this will be over before I even get started,” he admitted. She pouted and laid back on his bed, waiting him out. “Are you sure that you’re ready?” he asked. As soon as his cock sprang free from his jeans, her eyes roamed his body and he could see the uncertainty.

“Um, that’s going to fit inside of me?” she asked.

“We’ll fit,” he promised. They had to because giving her up now wasn’t an option. She nodded and held out her arms for him. Ford laid down on the bed next to her and pulled her on top of him. “I want you to be on top,” he said.

“Why?” she asked.

“So that we can take this at your pace,” he said. “I don’t want to rush you.” She nodded and covered his shaft with her drenched folds. Ford couldn’t help his moan or the way that his eager cock tried to push inside of her.

He felt as though he was holding his damn breath, waiting for her to make a move, and when she slowly inched down onto his cock, he found himself panting out her name. “Ford,” she moaned. “I need you to do it, please.”

“Are you sure?” he asked. She nodded and he rolled her back under his body. “I’m sorry,” he whispered against her neck as he quickly finished filling her. She cried out and Ford stilled inside of her.

“I’m okay,” she assured him before he could even ask. “I just need a second.”

“Just say when, honey.” He was trying for casual even though he felt anything but. They lay like that for what felt like an eternity, their hearts beating wildly while their ragged breaths filled the air, and Ford was sure that he had never felt so connected to another person in his life.

He peppered her face with kisses. “I’m ready,” she whispered. “Move, please, Ford,” she begged. He slowly pulled almost completely out of her pussy and slammed back into her, setting a pace that he was sure would have her sore in the morning. But the primal beast in him wanted to mark her, make her his so that she’d remember everything that he did to her the night before.

Ford knew that he wasn’t going to last and he wanted her with him. He snaked his hand down between where his and Journey’s bodies were joined and ran the pad of his thumb over her sensitive clit until she cried out his name again. The way that she felt while coming around his cock was all that he needed to finally lose himself inside of her. Journey was finally his and now, there would be no taking that back. She belonged to him and Ford’s whole life finally felt right.

* * *

“Your phone is going crazy again,” Ford said holding it up for her to see. Journey was in his shower, and she wiped her eyes to peek out at it as if she didn’t believe him or something.

“Is it your sister again?” she asked.

“Yes, it’s your best friend,” he countered. It had been two weeks since Journey had spent the weekend with him. She really never left once their weekend was over. He was careful to drive her to work and back to her place to pick up more of her things, but always insisted on her spending the night with him. Her boss’s advancements toward her made convincing her to stay with him easy.

The asshole had really stepped up his game since Ford persuaded Journey to go to HR and report her boss for sexual harassment. Of course, they took down her complaint and promised that there would be a thorough investigation, but Journey said that she wasn’t holding her breath. She said that the HR representative told her that she should have come forward when it first happened, and he worried that might be a sticking point in her allegations against her boss.

The idea of Journey having to spend time with that asshole, in the same office space, made him sick. Ford found himself stopping by to check on her just about every day, making up some excuse for being in the area even if he wasn’t. He had just started his new job across town, as head of security for a law firm, but he made sure to use his lunch break to check up on his girl.

He planned on enrolling in some college courses, and Journey told him that was a fantastic idea, but he couldn’t live on his money from his time in the Army forever. He had to get a job and something in security felt like it might be the right thing for him after spending so much time in the military.

“You do know that you’re going to have to talk to her sooner or later,” he warned.

“I know that,” she said, “just not now,” Journey insisted. She shut off the shower as the call went to voicemail and he held his breath waiting for Lucinda to call back. That was how she usually played things. His sister wasn’t a patient woman and the fact that she had let Journey avoid her for two weeks was a pretty impressive feat for her.

“I just haven’t figured out how to tell her about us yet,” Journey admitted. “All this stuff with my boss and me practically moving in here—it’s all so fast. I just need to let the dust settle and wrap my head around all of it.”

“Are you having second thoughts?” he asked, instantly regretting his question. If she was, he really didn’t want to know it.

“No, of course not,” she insisted. “The night that you asked me to be yours, I knew what I was getting into. I want you, Ford—all of you. I just haven’t figured out a way to tell your sister that I’ve been pining for her older brother my entire life.”

“Maybe it’s best that you leave that part out,” he offered. “I mean, just tell her that this thing between us kind of just happened.”

“Lucinda is smart enough to figure out when I’m lying,” she said. “She’ll see right through me and then what will I do?”

“I guess you tell the truth,” he said. “Is that really so hard? Just tell my sister that we’re together and that I’m in love with you and have been for a damn long time. Hell, let me tell her that and everything will be out in the open.”

Her gasp filled the bathroom, and he pulled Journey into his arms. He loved that he was able to take her by surprise and telling her that he had fallen in love with her wasn’t hard for him to do, since it was true. “You love me?”