Page 18 of Cursed with Fortune

I took another deep breath in and it hit me. That’s the extra scent from the beach when I first came home.

There’s no way in hell I’m letting her get close to my man.

I took another step closer and bit her calf, startling her so much she threw the frying pan of meat she was cooking over her shoulder, splattering both of us with the hot juice and the pan flew across the room, hitting the wall.

“That’s it.” She turned, and I saw she also had a chunk of meat in her hair. “You’re going outside.”

The hell I am.

I took off running through the house with her on my tail. She grabbed on to me once, but I bit her again and she let go. I darted into our room and pulled his pillow off the bed, taking it with me under the bed where she couldn’t reach me.

Plus, I didn’t want that woman’s nasty scent on it.

Her heels were hitting the floor, causing their clicks to echo all over the house, and then she stopped at the foot of the bed and huffed. “You better stay out of my way, cat.”

She left the bedroom, and I heard more sounds coming from the kitchen. For now, it seemed I was safe.

I could hear her grumbling about me in the kitchen, along with more slamming dishes and the oven door. Then her heels clicked against the floor again and past our bedroom.

I bet she’s snooping!

Stalking out of the bedroom, I peeked around the door and saw her walk into the spare room. From there, I heard her opening the closet and the drawers and I laughed. There’s nothing in those to find.

She left that room and went into the mostly empty room where Frank had constructed an enormous tower for me to climb on.

“Well, this will need to go.” She chuffed and let out a sardonic laugh. “Won’t need it when there’s no cat.”

Bitch. This ismyhouse.

“I could use this as my exercise room. I’ll need it to keep my shape for Frank.” Her hands slid down her ginormous body, and I hissed. “I knew you couldn’t stay away.” She turned around to catch me, but I had already made my way to the sunroom under the table.

Her heels clacked down the hall and she stood in the doorway. “Nowthisis a room!” She walked over and I watched as her grubby sausage fingers danced across the books. “Most of these books would need to go. I mean, really, Frank, who needs all these?”

I had to fight the urge to growl and give away my position.

She came over to the table and the papers shuffled above me. “Wow. These are amazing. No wonder people fight to have him make furniture for them. Ugh!” She groaned. “The fucking cat.”

I heard her crumble the papers, and she threw them into the trash.

How rude can you be?

“Well, pussycat, I told you I prefer dogs, and Frank will be so enamored with me he’ll do whatever I want, so you’ll need to adjust to a pup in the house. Or we’ll just simply get rid of you.”

I let out a louder growl and stalked closer as she walked over to the bookcase near my window. She picked up a small trinket box, pawing through it all when I pounced and batted it out of her hands.

“Ah! You horrible shit!”

I clawed at her shoe, leaving a rip in the leather.

“Oh. It’s on now, kitty.”

Tammy chased me around the house, determined to catch me. I’m pretty agile and escaped her grabby hands. When I realized the more she had to chase me, the madder she got. My chest puffed up with pride.

I felt objects whizzing by my head as I narrowly dodged them and she’d scream in frustration. Any time she grabbed my fur or tail, I bit her and clawed at her clothing, ripping them to shreds on her body.

“I fucking hate you!” She took off a shoe and threw it at me.

Chuffing, I darted into our bedroom and dove for cover under the bed, well out of her arm’s reach. I heard her drop to the floor as she looked at me with scary eyes as she growled. “You better stay there, cat.”