Page 19 of Cursed with Fortune

I hissed in response and snuggled up to Frank’s pillow, letting the warm scent of him comfort me as she went about her business.

She left me alone and when she came back to the bedroom, I watched as her clothing dropped in a pile on the floor beside her shoes and then she went into the bathroom and started the shower.

Chapter Seven


Finally, five!

I hadn’t been so excited about leaving work since I was a kid. Every day since I’d gotten Pricilla, I whistled on my way out of the building and caught a chariot home. Everyone knows that if you’re in a hurry, taking a chariot is the best way to travel up here in the clouds. The Gods and Goddesses don’t like to wait, so they created a special breed of Pegasus to power their transportation.

When we pulled up at my house, something felt off in the air. I paid my driver and hurried in, stopping dead in my tracks seeing my kitchen is disarray.

“What the…” I walked further into the room. Pricilla’s bowls were broken in the sink, a turnip laid on the floor looking like it had been used as a baseball and an awful smell filled the kitchen. It smelled like someone had baked an old gym shoe. I went to my oven and checked inside and sure enough, there sat a covered baking dish in it.

“Where’s Daddy’s sweet kitty?” I kept my voice soft, hoping that the magic we’d been building wasn’t about to be broken.

Chunks of meat were strewn across the floor, and one of my frying pans stuck in the wall, dripping meat juice.

Going across the hall, into my sunroom, looked like a tornado swept through it. “Hey! Who’s here?” I called out again, noting books out of place, glass shards on the floor and my grandma’s trinket box on the floor, and all the random items from inside it scattered about.

I picked up my grandmother’s box from the floor and set it on the table and saw my sketches spread out all over. The ones of Pricilla were missing.

“Sweetie?” I ran from the room heading down the hall in search of Pricilla. As I took my wide steps down the hall, I heard my shower running.

“What the hell is going on?” I ran in and opened the shower door to see a naked Tamara, jilling herself off with my shampoo bottle!


“Hey!” she yelled at me.

“Don’t hey me! How did you get in, and what the hell are you doing?”

She batted her raccoon mascara-smeared eyes at me. “You never lock your door.” she shrugged.

I growled and motioned to the bottle lodged inside her privates. “That’smy shampoo.”

She sighed, and her shoulders relaxed. “I needed to clean up after your catattackedme, then in the warm water, I started warming up for you.” She dropped her voice, trying to be seductive. “I’ve seen your hammer, Frank.” She winked. “I needed to be sure it would fit.”

“No.” My stomach dropped to my feet, and I almost vomited on her in disgust. “What you need is to get out of my shower and get dressed.”

“But Frankie-poo?” She batted her eyes at me, still trying to look sexy. “You should join me.”

I shook my head. “Sorry, I can’t compete with my shampoo.” Slamming the door, I went back to my bedroom and looked at the messy linens on my bed.

My pillow was gone. I walked around to my side and saw part of it sticking out from under my bed. I got down on the floor and gave it a small tug.

Encountering some resistance, I stretched out, laying on the floor, and reached my arm under the bed. I heard a nasty growl, but I left my arm where it was. I could feel soft puffs of hot breath on my skin as Pricilla scented me.

“That’s it, my sweet girl.”


I felt her rough tongue lick my finger and, taking a chance, I wiggled the rest of my fingers to pet her. She complied and moved closer, letting me scratch under her chin.

“Did you pull my pillow off the bed so that nasty woman wouldn’t get it?” I whispered with a smile.

The loudest purr I’d ever heard came from under my bed, and I chuckled.She protected my pillow.