Page 17 of Cursed with Fortune

The old me would’ve slunk to a dark corner to hide, but I didn’t feel like doing that. Instead, I crawled closer to the kitchen and yowled when she picked up my cream and tossed the bowl into the sink.

“Who knows how longthat’dbeen sitting out?”

Growling, I crept closer and swatted at her ankle, tearing the nylons she wore. She screamed and jumped back, dropping a turnip on my head, making me jump back as well.

“Ouch, you little bitch.” She kicked my face, and I tasted blood in my mouth. “Stay. Away. From. Me.” She pulled a knife from the butcher block and pointed it at me. “I’d hate for my romantic night with Frank to be ruined by a dead cat.”

She chopped vegetables and tossed them into a baking pan, seasoning them with what she found in his cabinets. Then turned to the stove to put a pot of water on to boil and started searing and browning meat.

It looked like she planned to prepare a casserole. Her phone sat on the counter and a shrill ring filled the room, startling me and I darted into the sunroom, peering around the doorway.

Stupid ringtones.

“Hello?” Her voice had a nasty nasally twang to it combined with nails on a chalkboard.

She set her phone down to continue cooking while she talked. And another voice came from the phone, just as irritating as hers. “Darling? Where are you?”

“Oh, hello Betty! I am at Frank’s.” She gave a mischievous laugh. “Cooking for him.”

“Frank Hammer? You got Frank Hammer to agree to a date?”

“I did.” She polished her nails on her shoulder.

“What are you making him?”

“My specialty. ‘Ready when you are’ casserole.”

“You naughty girl! You really think you’ll get him in bed?”

Oh, hell no. That bitch is not getting my Frank in bed.

“I know I will.” The whore laughed. “I even brought some wine from the God’s vineyard.”

“One way or another, huh?” Her friend laughed.

“Betty.” She turned from the stove and stared at me. “Rumor has it his V-card hasn’t been punched yet.”

Wait. Is she joking? Frank is an extremely handsome man. Why in the Forgotten Worlds hasn’t he done the deed?

“And who better to punch it?” The whore sighed. “I will show him all the ways he’s been missing out, and why my pussy is better than the one he got at the Sanctuary.”

I growled from my spot and felt my eye twitch.

That bitch! She doesn’t deserve Frank!

“Ugh, I think I hear the damn cat now.” She bent over and picked up the turnip from the floor and threw it at me, narrowly missing my head. “I overheard Vincent telling Ralph about her. Said she was pretty, but shy. But I don’t see anything special about her.”

Oh. You fucking tart. It’s on now.I prowled slowly to her, turned back.

“Well, I wish you luck getting Frank in the sack.”

“Thanks, Betty. I better go get things finished and in the oven, so I can get warmed up before he comes home.”

“Okay, call me tomorrow and let me know how it goes.”

The woman hung up, and I slunk closer, cringing as her nasty scent filled my nose.

Wait, that scent is familiar.