Page 53 of Flower

“Do you have any plans tomorrow?”

“Actually, no, I don’t.”

“Will you come for a drive with me? There is a place I would like to show you.”

“Okay.” She nods, smiling.

“Pick you up around ten in the morning?”

A strange look flits across her face as she scans the area around us, seemingly mulling over my question. Confusion tugs at my insides as I try to figure out why she looks so apprehensive over my straightforward question.

The moment passes, and she lets out a sigh. “Okay, sounds good.” She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

I want to delve further into why her demeanor shifted so suddenly at the mention of me coming to her house, but I have a strong feeling this conversation will take some persistence on my part to get her to open up about it, and now is not the time.

I cup her cheek and plant a soft kiss on her lips. “See you tomorrow, Flower.”

“See you tomorrow,” she replies, then gets in her car.

Watching her drive away, I place my hand on my chest, feeling my heart skip a beat.

Fuck. I’m really falling for this girl.

I’m falling so damn hard.



Ihonestly shouldn’t be driving right now. I really shouldn’t. I’m going to end up killing someone or myself. Or both.

The drive home has been nothing but a blur, and to be honest, I don’t even remember turning onto this street. But somehow, I’m here. This afternoon’s events are playing over in my mind like a scene from a movie stuck on repeat.

I can’t believe I had sex with Mason Reynolds.

And without a condom.

I have never been that frivolous before, and even though I’ve been taking the pill religiously since I was sixteen, I still insisted—much to Logan’s disappointment—that he gloved up every time. Why I chose to go bare with Mason is something I can’t seem to get my head around, all I do know is that for some reason, it just felt right. And even though I am shocked over my actions, I also don’t regret them. Not for one minute.

I’ve never had anyone make love to me like that before. The first time Logan and I had sex, we were both virgins, and it was awkward as hell. The second time was slightly better, but after that, our whole sex life consisted of nothing more than him pumping out his release. It honestly felt like I wasn’t even there half the time. Logan was far too busy chasing his own pleasure to realize that I was an active participant and that I had needs of my own. And if I couldn’t have an orgasm, the least I could have got was intimacy, and with Logan, even that fell short.

But with Mason, it was completely different. I felt like he was right there with me. I felt an intimacy with him that I’d never felt before. And it’s something that I definitely want to feel again.

When we came inside for dinner after playing ball with Nix, I felt like I was floating on a cloud, and by the dreamy look on Mason’s face, I could tell he was floating on a cloud of his own.

That was, of course, until Lily Bennett rocked up and instantly turned my fluffy white cloud into an ugly gray one. I know I shouldn’t be jealous. They were friends long before I came along, but the fact that she has a crush on him and is currently alone with him in his room right now makes me want to lean forward and sink my teeth into the steering wheel.

She may as well have walked into the room with a flashing neon sign above her head, declaring her undying love. And the look she gave me was enough to melt the hind of a rhino which was a surprise, to say the least. She has always been such a quiet and meek girl, but the sharp claws certainly come out when faced with competition.

While I do believe Mason when he told me they are just friends, I’m going to keep a close watch on her just in case she tries something.

Blowing out an agitated breath, I drop my head back against the seat.

What the hell am I doing?

I’m going all wildcat on this girl, and Mason isn’t even my boyfriend. I’ve been so caught up in everything that I haven’t taken a moment to rationalize it all in my head.

I’m not sure if I want to jump into another relationship right now, but I can’t seem to stop myself from being pulled in by his intoxicating charisma. The chemistry between us is explosive, and I find myself wanting to spend more time with him as each day passes. We are so different, but yet we also have so much in common. He would never fit in with my friends, but I don’t really care to be honest. I’ve grown weary of all that stereotyping bullshit at school and never really understood the need to pigeonhole people like that. What is wrong with judging someone based on their character rather than judging them on how cool they are? Or if they are in the in-crowd or a computer club member?