Page 52 of Flower

“Ava!” Nix yells, banging on the door. “Are you ready to come play ball? Mom said we have to before dinner.”

“Give me five minutes, and I will meet you in the yard,” she calls back.

“Yay,” Nix yells, the thumping of his footsteps echoing as he runs off down the hall.

We turn back to each other, pressing our noses together and rubbing them affectionately. Kissing the tip of her nose, we then untangle ourselves and sit up.

“Do you want to come and play ball with us?” she asks, getting up off the bed and getting dressed.

“Um… yeah. I will be down in a minute,” I say, pulling up my sweats and running my fingers through my hair. Fuck, my mind is scattered to the four winds right now. I don’t know if I even remember what day it is, let alone having the brainpower to coordinate throwing a football.

“Okay, well, I will see you soon, Superman.” She struts over, planting a kiss on my lips before turning to walk away.

I capture her, spinning her around and pressing my lips to hers in a searing kiss. We break apart, and she smiles up at me with adoration as I nuzzle my nose with hers. “See you in a few, Flower.”

Giving me a quick peck, she pulls away, smiling brightly, then spins around and walks away.

I flop down on the bed, placing my forearm over my eyes and taking a deep breath, attempting to put my mind back together, seeing as it’s just been blown to bits.

I just lost my virginity to Ava Richards, and by God, it was absolutely fucking incredible.

Ava is helpingmy mother clear the dinner table when the doorbell rings.

“I will get it,” Max yells, running to the front door and opening it. “Hi, Lily.”

Lily? What is she doing here?

Ava’s stoic expression changes to irritation when Lily enters the room.

“Hey, Mason,” Lily greets me with a smile. Spotting Ava, her smile drops, and her forehead creases into a frown.

“Hey, Lily. What are you doing here?” I ask, bringing her attention back to me.

“Um… we were going to study tonight, remember?”

Her eyes flick back to Ava, pinning her with a glare, and Ava arches an eyebrow in response. The tension between them is obvious, and I run my fingers through my hair, unsure of what to do about it. Damn it. I completely forgot we had organized a study session tonight, and I can’t keep blowing her off. She is my friend, and I do owe it to her to at least try to spend a little time with her.

“Sorry, Lily. Do you want to head up to my room, and I will meet you there in a moment?”

“Sure.” She beams, flashing Ava a smug look before strutting off.

What is her problem? I know Ava’s friends have given her a hard time, but Ava never took part in it. If she puts Ava in the same category as those idiots, we will be having a serious talk.

Lily bounds up the stairs as Ava collects her bag and keys. “I’m heading out,” she says flatly, with a stony expression. “Thanks for dinner, Grace,” she calls out, placing her bag on her shoulder.

“No problem, sweetie,” my mom calls back from the kitchen. “Drive safely.”

“You don’t have to leave,” I say, following her to the door.

“You want me to stay and listen to you guys talk physics?” She scoffs. “I think I will pass.”

“I will walk you out,” I say, following her to her car.

The tension between us is thick, and I can’t stand it. What we shared this afternoon meant everything to me. I fight back the urge to throw her over my shoulder, march her back up to my room, kick Lily out, and spend the rest of the night completely lost in her.

As she opens her car door, I grip her arm, halting her movements. “Ava.”

She turns, looking up at me. “Yeah?”